> Clang and its analyzers found a number of issues a couple of years
> ago. As far as I know, the results were dismissed. See "Clang 3.3 and
> Scan-Build results",

Well, I can kinda sympathize. Somebody took one of my OSS projects
(p0f) and ran it through a static analyzer a while ago (the analyzer
shall remain nameless, but was one of the major ones). The results
were just pages and pages of nonsensical findings, interspersed with
non-specific style recommendations.

An experience like that can quickly divide developers into two camps:
the "not sure, but let me spend a week to address everything, just in
case" one, and the "show me faulting test cases or get lost" bunch.

I've heard it summed up this way: when a particular check is stable
and reliable enough to be actually useful to most developers, it stops
being called "static analysis" and becomes a "standard compiler
warning" =)


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