On 2014-05-29 14:18, Justin Bull wrote: 

> But why go out in that
style? Why not be frank? Why be so careless as to
> recommend
> The diff was meticulous but the website and comms were
not. It doesn't add
> up.

The general consensus in some quarters (e.g.
encryption and topical IRC channels across various networks) is that the
developer(s) were identified and served with a National Security Letter
(NSL). Since its existence can't be divulged, and since the suggestion
to use BitLocker is ridiculous to anyone with a clue, the demise of the
TrueCrypt site and its circumstances is viewed as a canary-in-the-mine.
A way of alerting users. 

Think of Lavabit a year ago and how they were
coerced to open up their encryption. They went out of business rather
than surrender the keys and create a false sense of security among their



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