Le 11 février 2013 17:00, neo futur <fr...@ww7.be> a écrit :
> ( fdisk n est pas capable d aligner les partitions sur des
> gros disques)

À ma connaissance... si.

Un extrait de la page que tu cites justement :

You can, however, align partitions properly with any version of fdisk.
To do this, you should change the default units from cylinders to
sectors by typing u at the main menu. You can then enter start sector
values that are multiples of 8. In principle, you can start the first
partition with a sector number as low as 8 for proper alignment;
however, it's best to start the first partition at 64 or higher to
leave room for boot loader code in the unallocated space between the
MBR and the first partition. Microsoft's partitioning tools for
Windows Vista and Windows 7 begin the first partition at sector 2048,
so that's a safe place to start it from a cross-platform point of
view. In fact, beginning with util-linux-ng 2.17.1, this is the
default when you disable DOS compatibility mode by typing c at the
main menu. I recommend doing so.

Note, however, that fdisk doesn't align subsequent partitions
automatically. Proper alignment is likely to follow if you specify
partition size in units of megabytes or larger and then accept the
default value for subsequent partitions, but this isn't guaranteed.
For safety, you should verify that every partition begins on a
multiple of 8.

Je l'avais fait comme ça sur mon premier disque Advanced Format y'as
quelques années ;)

Note que je connais pas le "mode rescue" d'OVH (je bosse chez la
concurrence en ce moment :))) mais si c'est bien un fdisk de Linux, ça
marche, même avec une vieille version...

Cordialement ;)
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