On 19 Nov 2010, at 15:23 , Raphael Mazelier wrote:

> Ou utiliser les merveilleux outils perconna, xtradbbackup et innobackupex. 
> Parce que ta solution elle lock la base, et ce n'est pas toujours possible.

non, elle ne lock rien justement.

man page:

This option issues a BEGIN SQL statement before dumping data from the server. 
It is useful only with transactional tables such as InnoDB
           and BDB, because then it dumps the consistent state of the database 
at the time when BEGIN was issued without blocking any applications.

           When using this option, you should keep in mind that only InnoDB 
tables are dumped in a consistent state. For example, any MyISAM or
           MEMORY tables dumped while using this option may still change state.

           The --single-transaction option and the --lock-tables option are 
mutually exclusive, because LOCK TABLES causes any pending transactions
           to be committed implicitly.

Ou alors tu parles des alter/drop/truncate ?

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