
On Mon, 3 Apr 2023 11:40:01 +0200
David Ponzone <david.ponz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > • In the event of Service Unavailability for 0.1% or more of any
> > calendar month, Customer may be eligible for a Service Credit equal to
> > 1 day for each 2-hour period of Service Unavailability, subject to a
> > maximum credit of 5 days in any 1 calendar month

Sauf erreur : 
 - 1 mois = 24*30 = 720 heures
 - 0.1% = 0.72 heures = 43 minutes
Donc, entre 43 minutes et 2H, you played, you lost ?

Mais comme dit David, "ca devient la norme"...


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