Envoyé de mon mobile Orange
-------- Message d'origine --------
De : "Bothe, Jason" <jason.bo...@invesco.com>
Date : 19/11/2019 22:01 (GMT+01:00)
À : David Ponzone <david.ponz...@gmail.com>
Cc : frnog-t...@frnog.org
Objet : Re: Re: [FRnOG] [TECH] TECH - Orange AS 5511 BGP communities
It wasn't but I am new to this region so I didn't know and many ASs don't post
the info in that fashion. Thank you though __
On 11/19/19, 2:53 PM, "David Ponzone" <david.ponz...@gmail.com> wrote:
It is joke, isn’t it ? :)
$ whois AS5511
> Le 19 nov. 2019 à 21:50, Bothe, Jason <jason.bo...@invesco.com> a écrit :
> Hello
> Does anyone on the list have a link to the BGP communities Orange
> Cheers!
> J~
> Jason Bothe
> Network Services
> +1.713.214.2781 o
> +1.713.703.3552 m
> jason.bo...@invesco.com<mailto:jason.bo...@invesco.com>
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