On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 04:08:36PM +0200,
 Guillaume Tournat <guilla...@ironie.org> wrote 
 a message of 80 lines which said:

> Pour bind 9.8 et 9.9 (sur Debian), il n’y a pas d’options « rndc managed-keys 
> »
> Il y a une version minimale de bind a avoir ?

Je ne me souviens plus de laquelle. Mais je cite l'ISC : « If you are
running an older version of BIND, and don’t have access to the RNDC
managed-keys query, you may have to check the .mkeys files in each
view, as below, to see if the new keys were added. From the ARM:
"If named is not configured to use views, then managed keys for the
server will be tracked in a single file called
managed-keys.bind. Otherwise, managed keys will be tracked in separate
files, one file per view; each file name will be the view name (or, if
it contains characters that are incompatible with use as a file name,
the SHA256 hash of the view name), followed by the extension
.mkeys." »

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