Et donc Stéphane, à ton avis, il faut activer DNS over TLS, ou ça peut attendre 
10 ans ? :)

> Le 26 juin 2018 à 11:55, Stephane Bortzmeyer <> a écrit :
> Au fur et à mesure que le nouvel Android se déploie.
> ---------------------------
> Liste de diffusion du FRnOG
> De: bert hubert <>
> Objet: DNS over TLS: slowly happening
> Date: 26 juin 2018 11:09:55 UTC+2
> À:
> Hi everyone,
> [tl;dr enable DNS over TLS on your resolvers and CPE/modem if you can]
> As announced in 
> Android "P" will attempt to talk DNS over TLS to its resolver by default.
> We've asked a few very large scale resolver operators (at service providers)
> if they see this happening already and they confirm, but it is tiiiiiny.
> Among tens of millions of subscribers "dozens" of IP addresses attempt
> connections to port 853 of resolvers. 
> The reason this does not yet happen a lot is of course partly because
> Android P is not widely deployed, but also because most service providers
> now provision their modem/router/CPE/default GW as nameserver.
> And in fact, most of the attempts we have heard of come from mobile phones
> on cellular networks, and not from home wifi. 
> Anyhow, if you are planning DNS operations, be aware phones will start
> attempting to talk 853 to your CPE. And if you are a mobile operator, expect
> the same to happen on your resolvers.
> We are aware of at least one moderately large service provider that will
> enable DNS over TLS on their resolvers. 
> (Mobile) service providers that want to prevent their users from eventually
> receiving the popup "your internet connection is not secure, use our private
> lookup service?" may want to ponder doing the same.
>       Bert
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