On Sat, Oct 1, 2016, at 13:56, Denis Fondras wrote: > > Support inexistant chez Microsoft Azure. > > > > C'est pas la panacée mais c'est un bon début : > https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/load-balancer-ipv6-overview/
Effectivement. Je cite: Limitations You cannot add IPv6 load balancing rules in the Azure portal. The rules can only be created through the template, CLI, PowerShell. You may not upgrade existing VMs to use IPv6 addresses. You must deploy new VMs. A single IPv6 address can be assigned to a single network interface in each VM. The public IPv6 addresses cannot be assigned to a VM. They can only be assigned to a load balancer. The VMs with the IPv6 addresses cannot be members of an Azure Cloud Service. They can be connected to an Azure Virtual Network (VNet) and communicate with each other over their IPv4 addresses. Je m'arrete la, plus la peine de continuer.... --------------------------- Liste de diffusion du FRnOG http://www.frnog.org/