Pour info, message passé sur nanog, probablement le même problème :

> Come in this morning to find one failover pair of ASA's had the primary crash 
> and failover, then a couple hours later, the secondary crash and failover, 
> back to the primary.
> Another pair running the same code had the primary crash and fail in the same 
> time window.
> So, three crashes in 4 hours in our environment.
> Open a TAC case on one of these for post-mortem analysis, and they 
> interpreted the crash dump to point at a DOS bug first published in Oct.
> The very interesting thing; on the phone the TAC engineer said this was "the 
> 10th one of these I've dealt with this morning".
> Here's the bug they reference:
> https://tools.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCul36176/?reffering_site=dumpcr 
> <https://tools.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCul36176/?reffering_site=dumpcr>
> Anyone else have observations to add on this?

> On 08 Jul 2015, at 14:20, Nicolas Planchenault <planchenaul...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Bonjour,
> Nous avons constaté ce jour des redémarrages intempestif de cisco ASA chez
> plusieurs de nos clients. Les release impactés semble etre en v9.1.x.
> Constaté pour l'instant sur 5510 et 5515X.
> Avez vous constatez des problèmes similaires ?
> Merci de vos retours
> Nicolas
> ---------------------------
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