Bonjour, Nous rencontrions le même problème avec plusieurs hébergeurs en chine (Amazon AWS china pareil). Solution: Hébergement à Hong Kong.
Tu peux voir avec l’hébergeur Aliyun Mariam. On 27 March 2015 at 16:23, Rod Beck <> wrote: > Un cauchemar .... > > Roderick Beck > Sales Director/Europe and the Americas > Hibernia Networks > > Budapest and New York > 36-30-859-5144 > > > _ > This e-mail and any attachments thereto is intended only for use by the > addressee(s) named herein and may be proprietary and/or legally privileged. > If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby > notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email, and > any attachments thereto, without the prior written permission of the sender > is strictly prohibited. If you receive this e-mail in error, please > immediately telephone or e-mail the sender and permanently delete the > original copy and any copy of this e-mail, and any printout thereof. All > documents, contracts or agreements referred or attached to this e-mail are > SUBJECT TO CONTRACT. The contents of an attachment to this e-mail may > contain software viruses that could damage your own computer system. While > Hibernia Networks has taken every reasonable precaution to minimize this > risk, we cannot accept liability for any damage that you sustain as a > result of software viruses. You should carry out your own virus checks > before opening any attachment. > > > --------------------------- > Liste de diffusion du FRnOG > > --------------------------- Liste de diffusion du FRnOG