Juste curieux, quelle est la pénétration perçue du spam en question, en France?

Ici: chez les clients (non Francophones), zéro. Chez moi et similaire: trop. 
Beaucoup trop. Même si je connais (et aime bien) certains professionnels de 
l'email de masse qui lisent ceci, et même si j'aurais pu avoir une oreille 
sympathique, trop c'est trop. Attention à pas se prendre un retour de bâton 
mortel si ca continue.


Dear Canadian Business,

A new Canadian law may be introduced soon that will severely impact commercial 
email marketing in Canada - for the WORSE.

The law (known as the Fighting Internet And Wirless Spam Act or FISA) severely 
restricts ANY Canadian business' ability to use Email Marketing by requiring 
each business to ONLY email market to prospects who have given that business 
EXPLICIT WRITTEN PERMISSION to send that prospect marketing emails.

FISA means Canadian Businesses can no longer email market to prospective 
customers such as:

- contacts from your business card collection

- business cards you or your company collected at trade shows, networking 
events, or any other business or personal events you've ever attended where 
you've made contacts

- email databases of targeted prospects you've acquired from ANY source

- prospective customers you've found on popular online classifieds sites like 
Craig's List or Kijiji or any other place on the internet where your 
prospective customers are present

Violating FISA can result in fines of upto $10 million for Canadian businesses.

If FISA is allowed to become an enforceable law, it will greatly restrict 
E-Commerce in Canada by limiting Canadian businesses' Email Marketing 
capabilities greatly. 

Worse yet, we predict FISA will make Canadian businesses reluctant to use Email 
Marketing at all for fear of incurring the extremely heavy fines associated 
with violating FISA. 

As FISA stands, it DOES NOTHING for furthering the law's stated goal: 
increasing Canadian consumer confidence in using E-Commerce as a means of 
conducting business transactions.  It will NOT help reduce Phishing, Identity 
Theft or any other types of illegal activity regularly propagated through 
email.  In fact, FISA is detrimental to this goal because it will discourage 
Canadian businesses from using Commercial Email Marketing. 

What If FISA Becomes Enforceable Law in Canada?

Under FISA, Canadian consumers will be more likely to buy from American or 
International businesses who are relatively unrestricted in their Email 
Marketing practices. 


The United States has had the CAN-SPAM act in place since 2003.  The CAN-SPAM 
act does not require American businesses to have EXPLICIT WRITTEN PERMISSION to 
send them marketing emails.  We maintain the CAN-SPAM act is a just law for 
that should be mirrored in any Canadian law governing Commercial Email 

Repealing and/or Amending FISA to match the US's CAN-SPAM Act will allow 
Canadian businesses to much more freely use Email Marketing for reaching 
prospective customers as US businesses currently can.  It will also encourage 
more Canadian consumers to do business with Canadian businesses.

FISA should resemble the US's CAN-SPAM act regulating commercial email.

FISA is already law but will not be enforced until estimated mid 2013.  Help us 
fight this law now by signing our petition before it's too late!  Visit 
http://stopfisanow.com to get involved.  All comments posted by Canadian 
businesses and concerned citizens on our online petition will be automatically 
forwarded via email to several key politicians in Canada including Federal 
Minister of Industry Christian Paradis.  Make Your Voice Heard Today!

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