Ceci dit lors du problème, on avait un "packet filtered" des routeurs sur le chemin pour les icmp :
# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. >From icmp_seq=3 Packet filtered >From icmp_seq=8 Packet filtered >From icmp_seq=17 Packet filtered >From icmp_seq=30 Packet filtered Cordialement, Frédéric Le 8/29/12 1:54 PM, Radu-Adrian Feurdean a écrit : > > On Wed, Aug 29, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Nicolas KARP wrote: > >> As suggested previously, we had an issue with our firewall rules which were >> causing asymmetric traffic paths to be dropped. This has been corrected. >> We have been monitoring our network since and can confirm that it has been >> stable and the issue has been resolved. The fault was cleared on the 27th. > Quelqu'un pourra expliquer ce que fait un firewall sur un coeur de > reseau ? > > Pour moi ca sent l'explication bidon, dans la meme famille que "solar > flares" ( (c) BOFH ). > > > --------------------------- > Liste de diffusion du FRnOG > http://www.frnog.org/ --------------------------- Liste de diffusion du FRnOG http://www.frnog.org/