Moi aussi j'ai eu le meme message... C'est sympa de meurs part !
On May 14, 2009, at 11:25 AM, gu!llaume wrote:
Le 14/5/2009, "Pierre-Yves Marche" <> a écrit:
Finalement, Juniper va aussi m'envoyer le livre.
Une affaire qui se fini bien.
Dear Pierre-Yves
I am pleased to tell you that your chosen JUNOS® Software book
will be with you in the post shortly.
We were thrilled with the amount of interest this campaign
received but, because of the overwhelming response, were unable
to produce enough books to send to every participant.
However, because we value your interest in Juniper, we have
managed to secure additional funding so that we can send you the
book you requested.
J'ai trouvé la meme attention dans ma boite mail ce matin.
Comme quoi, ca sert de raler des fois... :-)
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