External Email - Use Caution Hi,
I'd like to download the OVA to run in VirtualBox, but the wiki article (https://secure-web.cisco.com/14mYPNciAyjJLQ-z9NWag-roFmGKjbtQeqtDD8X-3yq9rTtadYABr3UpoxrMaCW8_BlwK9x8AQAudWlmm4uTqGUFujduli9konMGekbhvRUXxRUAA28ydMp9cQdfV4mN7wgg8E3xwXOZo4WKFS_tNc5Qd7ymGnmDcm2qVx5hirOLmS3akz_r7yAYI6CHW8rFYnH25ePolCS5l6L7fJuD61dce2Tu3MEC06vGPYlciGcovzShPOgcjnPD9OwMbqa7DrsOnFQWPCKZvxfCF-PXeZHvMMPDLAnIyNzXSm-N1v8o1dr6vbddJfU4Lt59Bl_r3tYLOL04m9VeGF2B0zJBadg/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2FVM_67), says its being updated: As of 09/11/2023 he (sic) VM image is currently being updated and the link to it will be restored when the update is complete. Is there an estimate for when the new OVA will be released? Thanks, Wyatt
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