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Dear All,

another question: after the below if I use the command to run autorecon2:
recon-all -s sub-01_recon -autorecon2

I get the following error:
ERROR: cannot find or read transforms/talairach.m3z

Can you help me please?

Thanks, regards,


> Il giorno 30 lug 2023, alle ore 15:32, Michelangelo Fabbrizzi 
> <michef...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I am new to FS, and I would have couple of questions.
> I used in sequence:
> A- recon-all -i sub-01_T1w.nii.gz -s sub-01_recon -autorecon1 
> B- recon-all -skullstrip -wsthresh 5 -clean-bm -s sub-01_recon        
> C- recon-all -skullstrip -clean-bm -gcut -subjid sub-01_recon
> The brainmask.mgz obtained is good (no skull, brain is okay), however if I 
> now use mri_watershed to obtain the bem surfaces, it looks the brainmask.mgz 
> is not used and it is created a new one called ws.mgz that still contain some 
> piece of skull that generate wrong BEM surfaces; even using -h 5 the result 
> is not optimal:
> mri_watershed -h 5 -useSRAS -surf 
> /Users/michelangelo/Test_skullstripping/sub-01_recon/bem/watershed/sub-01_recon
>  /Users/michelangelo/Test_skullstripping/sub-01_recon/mri/T1.mgz 
> /Users/michelangelo/Test_skullstripping/sub-01_recon/bem/watershed/ws.mgz
> I am wondering:
> - how can I force the mri_watershed command to use the brainmask.mgz already 
> created after step C above, instead of creating a new one?
> - is it possible to use the -gcut command also for mri_watershed?
> Thanks, appreciated,
> Miche

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