External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Doug,
  I am following up your reply to this issue as I am still trying to find a 
solution to this issue.  For your questions - yes, I reviewed the images in 
freeview (and fsleyes) and there are no obvious issues with them (i.e., neither 
are missing any part of the brain and both are decent T1 images).  I also tried 
using the unmasked (whole head) images, but the same MyMatrix error happens.  
The --debug output is pasted below and attached as a text file.  If it will 
help, I can share a couple of participant images from our GE scanner.

  Interestingly, while including the -affine flag works for some participants, 
for others I get "MatrixLog Error: Result too imaginary to ignore!" error.

Any help/recommendations are greatly appreciated.


Andrew Beaudin, PhD | Research Associate
University of Calgary | Cumming School of Medicine
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
HSC Rm 2935J, 3330 Hospital Drive N.W. | Calgary, AB | T2N 4N1
Phone: (403) 210-6273

mri_robust_template --mov 2001A_T1.nii.gz 2001B_T1.nii.gz --lta 
2001A2template.lta 2001B2template.lta --average 1 --template 
2001_template.nii.gz --satit --debug

$Id: mri_robust_template.cpp,v 1.54 2016/05/05 21:17:08 mreuter Exp $

--mov: Using 2001A_T1.nii.gz as movable/source volume.
--mov: Using 2001B_T1.nii.gz as movable/source volume.
    Total: 2 input volumes
--lta: Will output LTA transforms
--average: Using method 1 for template computation.
--template: Using 2001_template.nii.gz as template output volume.
--satit: Will estimate SAT iteratively!
--debug: Will output debug info and files!
reading source '2001A_T1.nii.gz'...
converting source '2001A_T1.nii.gz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
reading source '2001B_T1.nii.gz'...
converting source '2001B_T1.nii.gz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
Will use TP 1 as random initial target (seed 113817 ).

MultiRegistration::initializing Xforms (init 1 , maxres 0 , iterate 5 , epsit 
0.01 ) :

MultiRegistration Parameters

Outdir:        ./
TransOnly:     false
Rigid:         true
Robust:        true
Satit:         true
Iscale:        false
IscaleOnly:    false
NoMulti:       false
SubsampleSize: -1
HighIt:        -1
FixVoxel:      false
KeepType:      true
Average:       1
DoublePrec:    false
BackupWeights: false
SampleType:    5
CRASCenter:    false
Debug:         1

[init] ========================= TP 2 to TP 1 ==============================
         Register TP 2 ( 2001B_T1.nii.gz )
          to      TP 1 ( 2001A_T1.nii.gz )

Registration::setSourceAndTarget(MRI s, MRI t, keeptype = TRUE )
   Type Source : 4  Type Target : 4  keeping type
   Mov: (1, 1, 1)mm  and dim (256, 256, 176)
   Dst: (1, 1, 1)mm  and dim (256, 256, 176)
   Asserting both images: 1mm isotropic
    - no Mov reslice necessary
    - no Dst reslice necessary

   - computing centroids
   - computing initial transform
     -- using translation info
   - Get Gaussian Pyramid Limits ( min size: 16 max size: -1 )
   - Build Gaussian Pyramid ( Limits min steps: 0 max steps: 3 )
   - Build Gaussian Pyramid ( Limits min steps: 0 max steps: 3 )

   - Max Resolution used: 2
     -- gpS ( 64 , 64 , 44 )
     -- gpT ( 64 , 64 , 44 )
   - running loop to estimate saturation parameter:
     -- Iteration: 1  trying sat: 16
         min sat: 0 ( -1 ), max sat: 16 ( 0.0798945 ), sat diff: 16, 
     -- Iteration: 2  trying sat: 8
         min sat: 8 ( 0.17712 ), max sat: 16 ( 0.0798945 ), sat diff: 8, 
     -- Iteration: 3  trying sat: 12
         min sat: 8 ( 0.17712 ), max sat: 12 ( 0.109687 ), sat diff: 4, 
     -- Iteration: 4  trying sat: 10
         min sat: 8 ( 0.17712 ), max sat: 10 ( 0.138304 ), sat diff: 2, 
     -- Iteration: 5  trying sat: 9
         min sat: 8 ( 0.17712 ), max sat: 9 ( 0.154011 ), sat diff: 1, 
     -- Iteration: 6  trying sat: 8.5
   - final SAT: 9 ( it: 6 , weight check 0.154011 <= 0.16 )

   - computing centroids
   - computing initial transform
     -- using translation info
   - Get Gaussian Pyramid Limits ( min size: 16 max size: -1 )
   - initial transform:
Ti = [ ...
1.0000000000000                0                0 -1.2743032370447
               0  1.0000000000000                0  6.3477877176776
               0                0  1.0000000000000  1.3765177143265
               0                0                0  1.0000000000000  ]

   - initial iscale:  Ii =1

Resolution: 3  S( 32 32 22 )  T( 32 32 22 )
Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 4.3252
Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.226503
Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0809929
Iteration(f): 4
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0448288
Iteration(f): 5
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0306485 max it: 5 reached!

Resolution: 2  S( 64 64 44 )  T( 64 64 44 )
Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 1.21431
Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.153379
Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.108256
Iteration(f): 4
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0849185
Iteration(f): 5
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0709608 max it: 5 reached!

Resolution: 1  S( 128 128 88 )  T( 128 128 88 )
Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.803945
Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.19292
Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.124963
Iteration(f): 4
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0841509
Iteration(f): 5
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0593591 max it: 5 reached!

Resolution: 0  S( 256 256 176 )  T( 256 256 176 )
Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 1.56407
Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.1626
Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0426001
Iteration(f): 4
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0296054
Iteration(f): 5
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0229654 max it: 5 reached!

   - final transform:
Tf = [ ...
0.9991201336644 -0.0403162432589  0.0115567744604 13.1803922948678
 0.0399069838938  0.9986352667380  0.0336903051890 -5.3133887637339
-0.0128992690853 -0.0331994662113  0.9993655008556  6.0924108135986
               0                0                0  1.0000000000000  ]

   - final iscale:  If = 1

* WARNING: Registration did not converge in 5 steps!
*          Problem might be ill posed.
*          Please inspect output manually!
CentroidT = [ 144.3744389157496 140.7612889458485 89.5924668508406  
1.0000000000000  ]

CentroidSinT = [ 154.3014274378032 137.7010981446322 87.9111681965244  
1.0000000000000  ]

Centroid = [ 149.3379331767764 139.2311935452403 88.7518175236825  
1.0000000000000  ]

* WARNING: TP 2 to 1 did not converge !!
meant = [  1.1453379004720 -1.3465092209200 -3.1182479079224  ]

Input rotation's max deviation from rotation is: 0.000393412
MyMatrix::RotationMean input(s) not rotation

mri_robust_template --mov 2001A_T1.nii.gz 2001B_T1.nii.gz --lta 
2001A2template.lta 2001B2template.lta --average 1 --template 
2001_template.nii.gz --satit --debug 

$Id: mri_robust_template.cpp,v 1.54 2016/05/05 21:17:08 mreuter Exp $

--mov: Using 2001A_T1.nii.gz as movable/source volume.
--mov: Using 2001B_T1.nii.gz as movable/source volume.
    Total: 2 input volumes
--lta: Will output LTA transforms
--average: Using method 1 for template computation.
--template: Using 2001_template.nii.gz as template output volume.
--satit: Will estimate SAT iteratively!
--debug: Will output debug info and files!
reading source '2001A_T1.nii.gz'...
converting source '2001A_T1.nii.gz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
reading source '2001B_T1.nii.gz'...
converting source '2001B_T1.nii.gz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
Will use TP 1 as random initial target (seed 113817 ).

MultiRegistration::initializing Xforms (init 1 , maxres 0 , iterate 5 , epsit 
0.01 ) : 

 MultiRegistration Parameters 

 Outdir:        ./
 TransOnly:     false
 Rigid:         true
 Robust:        true
 Satit:         true
 Iscale:        false
 IscaleOnly:    false
 NoMulti:       false
 SubsampleSize: -1
 HighIt:        -1
 FixVoxel:      false
 KeepType:      true
 Average:       1
 DoublePrec:    false
 BackupWeights: false
 SampleType:    5
 CRASCenter:    false
 Debug:         1

[init] ========================= TP 2 to TP 1 ==============================
         Register TP 2 ( 2001B_T1.nii.gz )
          to      TP 1 ( 2001A_T1.nii.gz )

Registration::setSourceAndTarget(MRI s, MRI t, keeptype = TRUE )
   Type Source : 4  Type Target : 4  keeping type 
   Mov: (1, 1, 1)mm  and dim (256, 256, 176)
   Dst: (1, 1, 1)mm  and dim (256, 256, 176)
   Asserting both images: 1mm isotropic 
    - no Mov reslice necessary
    - no Dst reslice necessary

   - computing centroids 
   - computing initial transform
     -- using translation info
   - Get Gaussian Pyramid Limits ( min size: 16 max size: -1 ) 
   - Build Gaussian Pyramid ( Limits min steps: 0 max steps: 3 ) 
   - Build Gaussian Pyramid ( Limits min steps: 0 max steps: 3 ) 

   - Max Resolution used: 2
     -- gpS ( 64 , 64 , 44 )
     -- gpT ( 64 , 64 , 44 )
   - running loop to estimate saturation parameter:
     -- Iteration: 1  trying sat: 16
         min sat: 0 ( -1 ), max sat: 16 ( 0.0798945 ), sat diff: 16, 
     -- Iteration: 2  trying sat: 8
         min sat: 8 ( 0.17712 ), max sat: 16 ( 0.0798945 ), sat diff: 8, 
     -- Iteration: 3  trying sat: 12
         min sat: 8 ( 0.17712 ), max sat: 12 ( 0.109687 ), sat diff: 4, 
     -- Iteration: 4  trying sat: 10
         min sat: 8 ( 0.17712 ), max sat: 10 ( 0.138304 ), sat diff: 2, 
     -- Iteration: 5  trying sat: 9
         min sat: 8 ( 0.17712 ), max sat: 9 ( 0.154011 ), sat diff: 1, 
     -- Iteration: 6  trying sat: 8.5
   - final SAT: 9 ( it: 6 , weight check 0.154011 <= 0.16 )

   - computing centroids 
   - computing initial transform
     -- using translation info
   - Get Gaussian Pyramid Limits ( min size: 16 max size: -1 ) 
   - initial transform:
Ti = [ ...
 1.0000000000000                0                0 -1.2743032370447 
               0  1.0000000000000                0  6.3477877176776 
               0                0  1.0000000000000  1.3765177143265 
               0                0                0  1.0000000000000  ]

   - initial iscale:  Ii =1

Resolution: 3  S( 32 32 22 )  T( 32 32 22 )
 Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 4.3252
 Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.226503
 Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0809929
 Iteration(f): 4
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0448288
 Iteration(f): 5
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0306485 max it: 5 reached!

Resolution: 2  S( 64 64 44 )  T( 64 64 44 )
 Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 1.21431
 Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.153379
 Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.108256
 Iteration(f): 4
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0849185
 Iteration(f): 5
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0709608 max it: 5 reached!

Resolution: 1  S( 128 128 88 )  T( 128 128 88 )
 Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.803945
 Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.19292
 Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.124963
 Iteration(f): 4
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0841509
 Iteration(f): 5
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0593591 max it: 5 reached!

Resolution: 0  S( 256 256 176 )  T( 256 256 176 )
 Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 1.56407
 Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.1626
 Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0426001
 Iteration(f): 4
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0296054
 Iteration(f): 5
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0229654 max it: 5 reached!

   - final transform: 
Tf = [ ...
 0.9991201336644 -0.0403162432589  0.0115567744604 13.1803922948678 
 0.0399069838938  0.9986352667380  0.0336903051890 -5.3133887637339 
-0.0128992690853 -0.0331994662113  0.9993655008556  6.0924108135986 
               0                0                0  1.0000000000000  ]

   - final iscale:  If = 1

* WARNING: Registration did not converge in 5 steps! 
*          Problem might be ill posed. 
*          Please inspect output manually!
CentroidT = [ 144.3744389157496 140.7612889458485 89.5924668508406  
1.0000000000000  ]

CentroidSinT = [ 154.3014274378032 137.7010981446322 87.9111681965244  
1.0000000000000  ]

Centroid = [ 149.3379331767764 139.2311935452403 88.7518175236825  
1.0000000000000  ]

* WARNING: TP 2 to 1 did not converge !! 
meant = [  1.1453379004720 -1.3465092209200 -3.1182479079224  ]

Input rotation's max deviation from rotation is: 0.000393412
 MyMatrix::RotationMean input(s) not rotation
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