External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Ajay

The memory footprint of each pipeline is something I wish there were better
records of!  You're right that 4GB is outdated.

It really depends on the pipeline.  For cross-sectional recon-all, 20Gb
should do it.  For longitudinal pipelines I suspect (but haven't confirmed)
that the RAM footprint is related to the number of timepoints a subject
has.  The infant stream needs around 32Gb.  Those are the ones I'm familiar

Each command should have an fs_time output with a measure of the peak
memory used, though it is not super accurate.


On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 4:39 PM Ajay Kurani <dr.ajay.kur...@gmail.com>

>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hi Freesurfer Experts,
>    I am designing some new hardware for a mini-cluster running Freesurfer
> and other neuroimaging toolboxes and wanted to better understand
> requirements from Freesurfer.
> 1) Is there a minimum amount of ram per core that is needed/recommended or
> is the amount of ram only defined per subject.  Most of the threads I found
> say you need a minimum of 4 GB ram but these were from a long time ago and
> may not apply to the OPENMP code.  Our compute node will have between 52-64
> cores so I wanted to know what is the ratio for Ram to CPU (multithreading
> turned off) that is recommended as opposed to Ram per subject.
> 2) AMD vs Intel
> We will run jobs on an existing cluster that has Dual Intel Xeon 6230R and
> for our new minicluster we are debating between AMD and Intel.  While AMD
> offers higher core-count per CPU, I am worried that results could
> potentially differ based on the CPU/underlying libraries.  We plan on using
> docker images so from your perspective do you have a recommendation ?
> Best,
> Ajay
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