External Email - Use Caution        

Thanks Ruopeng.
Can you please answer *why I won't be able to open files in 'stat','surf'
folder.* It seems an application is required to open it. Can you tell
Thank you,

On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 8:25 PM Wang, Ruopeng <rwa...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

> Hi KC,
> Freeview is a comprehensive volume and surface viewer and editor. You can
> load mri, surf and label files in it. Regarding your last question, if you
> meant going through slices, you can use up/down arrow keys. If you meant
> going through different volume images, you can use Alt+C key to cycle
> through them.
> Best,
> Ruopeng
> On Oct 2, 2020, at 2:44 AM, Koustav Chatterjee <
> chatterjeekous...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Sir,
> I have stuck with two basic steps while installing FreesUrfer in my new
> system. May I request you to help me resolving the problem.
> 1. After successful completion of  'recon-all' command , a folder named as
> 'samplept1' has been formed under /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects.
> Subjectpt1 consists of different folders including 'label', 'mri', 'stat',
> 'surf' etc. Now, I was trying to acquire data from 'surf' and 'stat'
> folders. However, I am unable to open them. It seems to me a specific
> application is required. Please advise.
> 2. Could you please explain what is the purpose of having 'freeview'. Is
> it only only to check manually whether all the preprocessing steps such as
> skull stripping has been done correctly by recon-all or not?
> 3. I am unable to surf images  one by one using  "P age up and down keys
> in keyboard". How should I surf the images one by one?
> Your help is appreciated.
> Thank you very much.
> KC
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