External Email - Use Caution        


I have been attempting to run TRACULA on the sample practice data using the
sample configuration file listed here:
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/Tracula. I am using
Free Surfer 6.

I receive an error message at the first step of the pre-processing pathway
with subjects elmo.2008 and elmo.2012. It looks like it may be getting hung
up at the Eddy Correction step. Do you know why this might be happening?

Thank you for your help!

*This is the configuration file:*
# T1 images and FreeSurfer segmentations are expected to be found here
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_recons

# Output directory where trac-all results will be saved
# Default: Same as SUBJECTS_DIR
set dtroot = $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial

# Subject IDs
set subjlist = ( elmo.2005 \
                 elmo.2008 \
                 elmo.2012 )

# Input diffusion DICOMs
# If original DICOMs don't exist, these can be in other image format
# but then the gradient table and b-value table must be specified (see

set dcmroot = $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial

set dcmlist = ( elmo.2005/orig/656000-11-1.dcm \
                elmo.2008/orig/97000-000017-000001.dcm \

elmo.2012/orig/MR. )

# Diffusion gradient tables (if there is a different one for each scan)
# Must be specified if they cannot be read from the DICOM headers
# The tables must have either three columns, where each row is a gradient
# or three rows, where each column is a gradient vector
# There must be as many gradient vectors as volumes in the diffusion data
# Default: Read from DICOM header
set bveclist = (
$TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2005/orig/gradients.txt \

 $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/orig/gradients.txt \

 $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2012/orig/gradients.txt )

#set bvecfile = /path/to/bvecs.txt

# Diffusion b-value tables (if there is a different one for each scan)
# Must be specified if they cannot be read from the DICOM headers
# There must be as many b-values as volumes in the diffusion data set
# Default: Read from DICOM header
set bvallist = (
$TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2005/orig/bvalues.txt \

 $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/orig/bvalues.txt \

 $TUTORIAL_DATA/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2012/orig/bvalues.txt )

#set bvalfile = /path/to/bvals.txt

set runlist = (2)

set doeddy = 1

set dorotbvecs = 1

set usemaskanat = 1

set thrbet = 0.3

set doregflt = 0
set doregbbr = 1

set doregmni = 1
set doregcvs = 0

#set mnitemp = /path/to/mni/template
#set cvstemp = /cvs/template/name
#set cvstempdir = /path/to/parent/dir/of/cvstemp

set pathlist = ( lh.cst_AS rh.cst_AS \
                 lh.ilf_AS rh.ilf_AS \
                 lh.unc_AS rh.unc_AS \
                 fmajor_PP fminor_PP \
                 lh.atr_PP rh.atr_PP \
                 lh.cab_PP rh.cab_PP \
                 lh.ccg_PP rh.ccg_PP \
                 lh.slfp_PP rh.slfp_PP \
                 lh.slft_PP rh.slft_PP )

set ncpts = (6 6 5 5 5 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5)

*This is the attempted run:*
[jar269@librapet ~]$ trac-all -corr -c /home1/jar269/Elmo2/dmrirc.tutorial
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_recons
INFO: Diffusion root is /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /home1/am2359/freesurfer_6
trac-preproc -c
/home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/scripts/dmrirc.local -log
/home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/scripts/trac-all.log -cmd
#@# Image corrections Sun Jul 12 14:27:04 EDT 2020
mri_convert --bvec-voxel
mri_convert.bin --bvec-voxel
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
reading from
Getting Series No
INFO: Found 74 files in
INFO: Scanning for Series Number 17
Scanning Directory
INFO: found 70 files in series
INFO: loading series header info.

RunNo = 16
WARNING: Run 1 appears to be truncated
  Files Found: 70, Files Expected (lRep+1): 120
        NumarisVer        syngo MR B15
        ScannerModel      TrioTim
        PatientName       CON04_07172008
Date and time
        StudyDate         20080717
        StudyTime         082602.097000
        SeriesTime        091538.382000
        AcqTime           091309.512500
Acquisition parameters
        PulseSeq          ep_b0#1
        Protocol          DTI
        PhEncDir          COL
        EchoNo            1
        FlipAngle         90
        EchoTime          84
        InversionTime     -1
        RepetitionTime    9850
        PhEncFOV          237
        ReadoutFOV        237
Image information
        RunNo             16
        SeriesNo          17
        ImageNo           1
        NImageRows        1152
        NImageCols        1152
        NFrames           70
        SliceArraylSize   79
        IsMosaic          1
        ImgPos            1042.7820 1078.5270 242.5410
        VolRes              1.8516   1.8516   1.8500
        VolDim            128      128       79
        Vc                 -0.9997  -0.0232  -0.0095
        Vr                  0.0249  -0.9576  -0.2870
        Vs                 -0.0024  -0.2872   0.9579
        VolCenter           0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
        TransferSyntaxUID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
INFO: sorting.
INFO: (128 128  79), nframes = 70, ismosaic=1
sdfi->UseSliceScaleFactor 0
datatype = 4, short=4, float=3
Could not parse NUMARIS version string syngo MR B15
found in dicom tag 18,1020 (len = 3 != 6)
Repetition Time = 9850, TR = 9850 ms
AutoAlign matrix detected
AutoAlign Matrix ---------------------
 0.99969  -0.02379   0.00778  -0.14012;
 0.02316   0.99706   0.07309  -9.34992;
-0.00949  -0.07288   0.99730  -12.79552;
 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;

        NumarisVer        syngo MR B15
        ScannerModel      TrioTim
        PatientName       CON04_07172008
Date and time
        StudyDate         20080717
        StudyTime         082602.097000
        SeriesTime        091538.382000
        AcqTime           091309.512500
Acquisition parameters
        PulseSeq          ep_b0#1
        Protocol          DTI
        PhEncDir          COL
        EchoNo            1
        FlipAngle         90
        EchoTime          84
        InversionTime     -1
        RepetitionTime    9850
        PhEncFOV          237
        ReadoutFOV        237
Image information
        RunNo             16
        SeriesNo          17
        ImageNo           1
        NImageRows        1152
        NImageCols        1152
        NFrames           70
        SliceArraylSize   79
        IsMosaic          1
        ImgPos            118.6930 148.7646 -38.5453
        VolRes              1.8516   1.8516   1.8500
        VolDim            128      128       79
        Vc                 -0.9997  -0.0232  -0.0095
        Vr                  0.0249  -0.9576  -0.2870
        Vs                 -0.0024  -0.2872   0.9579
        VolCenter           3.0033  11.5602  -3.6840
        TransferSyntaxUID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
UseSliceScaleFactor 0 (slice 0: 1)
IsDWI = 1
sagrev = 0, correv =0, trarev = 0
Vs = -0.00244356 -0.287158 0.95788
INFO: no Siemens slice order reversal detected (good!).
TR=9850.00, TE=84.00, TI=-1.00, flip angle=90.00
i_ras = (-0.999687, -0.0231588, -0.00949289)
j_ras = (0.0249093, -0.957603, -0.287012)
k_ras = (-0.00244356, -0.287158, 0.95788)
writing to
Saving bvals and bvecs
mv -f
mri_probedicom --i
> /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dmri/dcminfo.dat
cp /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/orig/gradients.txt
cp /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/orig/bvalues.txt
mv -f /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dmri/bvecs.tmp
mv -f /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dmri/bvals.tmp
INFO: input image orientation is LPS
INFO: input image determinant is 6.34232
mri_convert -oni 128 -onj 128 -onk 79 -oid -0.999687 -0.0231588 -0.00949289
-ojd -0.0249093 0.957603 0.287012 -okd -0.00244356 -0.287158 0.95788 -oc
2.95721 13.3333 -3.15258 -rt nearest
mri_convert.bin -oni 128 -onj 128 -onk 79 -oid -0.999687 -0.0231588
-0.00949289 -ojd -0.0249093 0.957603 0.287012 -okd -0.00244356 -0.287158
0.95788 -oc 2.95721 13.3333 -3.15258 -rt nearest
normalizing out_i_direction: (-0.999687, -0.0231588, -0.00949289) ->
(-0.999687, -0.0231588, -0.00949289)
normalizing out_j_direction: (-0.0249093, 0.957603, 0.287012) ->
(-0.0249093, 0.957603, 0.287012)
normalizing out_k_direction: (-0.00244356, -0.287158, 0.95788) ->
(-0.00244356, -0.287158, 0.95788)
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
reading from
TR=9850.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
i_ras = (-0.999687, -0.0231588, -0.00949289)
j_ras = (0.0249093, -0.957603, -0.287012)
k_ras = (-0.00244356, -0.287158, 0.95788)
Reslicing using nearest
writing to
INFO: found
INFO: found
converting to LAS
mv -f
mv -f
/home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dmri/dwi.nii.gz 0
processing INTEL
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: INTEL
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume INTEL
Error : No image files match: INTEL
Failed to read volume INTEL
Error : No image files match: INTEL
processing MKL
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: MKL
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume MKL
Error : No image files match: MKL
Failed to read volume MKL
Error : No image files match: MKL
processing ERROR:
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: ERROR:
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume ERROR:
Error : No image files match: ERROR:
Failed to read volume ERROR:
Error : No image files match: ERROR:
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match:
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume
Error : No image files match:
Failed to read volume
Error : No image files match:
processing undefined
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: undefined
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume undefined
Error : No image files match: undefined
Failed to read volume undefined
Error : No image files match: undefined
processing symbol:
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: symbol:
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume symbol:
Error : No image files match: symbol:
Failed to read volume symbol:
Error : No image files match: symbol:
processing mkl_pds_lp64_pds_sym_indef_bk_fct_slv_c_seq_nrhs_cmplx.
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match:
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume
Error : No image files match:
Failed to read volume
Error : No image files match:
processing Intel
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: Intel
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume Intel
Error : No image files match: Intel
Failed to read volume Intel
Error : No image files match: Intel
processing MKL
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: MKL
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume MKL
Error : No image files match: MKL
Failed to read volume MKL
Error : No image files match: MKL
processing FATAL
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: FATAL
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume FATAL
Error : No image files match: FATAL
Failed to read volume FATAL
Error : No image files match: FATAL
processing ERROR:
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: ERROR:
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume ERROR:
Error : No image files match: ERROR:
Failed to read volume ERROR:
Error : No image files match: ERROR:
processing Cannot
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: Cannot
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume Cannot
Error : No image files match: Cannot
Failed to read volume Cannot
Error : No image files match: Cannot
processing load
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: load
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume load
Error : No image files match: load
Failed to read volume load
Error : No image files match: load
processing libmkl_core.so.
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: libmkl_core.so.
Image Exception : #22 :: Failed to read volume libmkl_core.so.
Error : No image files match: libmkl_core.so.
Failed to read volume libmkl_core.so.
Error : No image files match: libmkl_core.so.
Image Exception : #63 :: No image files match: INTEL
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  No image files match: INTEL
/home1/jar269/fsl/bin/eddy_correct: line 103: 13578 Aborted
(core dumped) fslmerge -t $output $full_list
mv -f /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dmri/bvecs
xfmrot /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dmri/dwi.ecclog
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ln -sf /home1/jar269/Elmo2/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dmri/dwi.nii.gz
mri_convert --frame 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
mri_convert.bin --frame 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
niiRead(): error opening file
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
reading from
Linux librapet.med.yale.edu 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Oct 20
20:32:50 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

trac-preproc exited with ERRORS at Sun Jul 12 14:29:05 EDT 2020
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