Dear Ioana,
This is tricky because the volumes are computed from soft segmentations, which 
are not the ones you’re editing. In general, editing outputs is a bad idea; it 
may be better to simply discard the cases for which quality control fails.
Having said that: if you want to use corrected cases, you could compute volumes 
by simply summing the number of voxels with each label, and multiplying by the 
volume of a voxel (which is 1/27=0.03703703703 cubic mm). But if you do this, 
then you need to compute the volume this way for all cases, including the ones 
you didn’t edit (you don’t want to mix 2 ways of estimating volumes).

Juan Eugenio Iglesias
Senior research fellow

From: <> on behalf of ioana cracana 
Reply-To: Freesurfer support list <>
Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 04:59
To: "" <>
Subject: [Freesurfer] Hippocampal subfields

        External Email - Use Caution
I'm doing a study about hippocampal atrophy and I'm using the Segmentation of 
Hippocampal subfields tool. There were some minor errors and I edited them 
using Freeview, voxel edit tool.  I would like to generate a new 
[lr]h.hippoSfVolumes-T1.v10.txt file using the edited 
[lr]h.hippoSfLabels-T1.v10.mgz in order to see the new results. What command do 
i have to use? Is there another way to edit the hippocampal subfields?And how 
do i see the results?
I'm using Freesurfer v6.0.0. on macOS Mojave.

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