Is that all the output it prints to the terminal? It might be exceeding 
your available memory (it will need at least 10G). What does the limit 
command return?

On 8/28/19 6:27 PM, wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> In addition,
> a) to convert the time series data into the conformed space and 
> viceversa, I have run the command line listed below:
> mri_vol2vol --reg register.dof6.lta --mov fmcpr.nii.gz --fstarg --o 
> f-in-anat.nii
> mri_vol2vol --reg register.dof6.lta --mov fmcpr.nii.gz --fstarg --o 
> anat-in-func.nii --inv
> Thus the command produce:
> fslinfo f-in-anat.nii
> data_type FLOAT32
> dim1 256
> dim2 256
> dim3 256
> dim4 140
> datatype 16
> pixdim1 1.000000
> pixdim2 1.000000
> pixdim3 1.000000
> pixdim4 3.000000
> cal_max 0.0000
> cal_min 0.0000
> file_type NIFTI-1+
> I have also opt for --inv and obtained:
> fslinfo anat-in-func.nii
> data_type FLOAT32
> dim1 64
> dim2 64
> dim3 48
> dim4 1
> datatype 16
> pixdim1 3.312500
> pixdim2 3.312500
> pixdim3 3.312500
> pixdim4 1.000000
> cal_max 0.0000
> cal_min 0.0000
> file_type NIFTI-1+
> When I run
> mri_segstats --seg mri/ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.mgz --ctab 
> /usr/local/freesurfer/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i f-in-anat.nii --avgwf 
> prova --id 8103 --id 8104 --id 8105 --id 8106 --id 8108 --id 8109 --id 
> 8110 --id 8111 --id 8112 --id 8113 --id 8115 --id 8116 --id 8117 --id 
> 8118 --id 8119 --id 8120 --id 8121 --id 8122 --id 8123 --id 8125 --id 
> 8126 --id 8127 --id 8128 --id 8129 --id 8130 --id 8133
> the process crash:
> $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 1.121 2016/05/31 17:27:11 greve Exp $
> cwd
> cmdline mri_segstats --seg mri/ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.mgz --ctab 
> /usr/local/freesurfer/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i f-in-anat.nii --avgwf 
> prova --id 8103 --id 8104 --id 8105 --id 8106 --id 8108 --id 8109 --id 
> 8110 --id 8111 --id 8112 --id 8113 --id 8115 --id 8116 --id 8117 --id 
> 8118 --id 8119 --id 8120 --id 8121 --id 8122 --id 8123 --id 8125 --id 
> 8126 --id 8127 --id 8128 --id 8129 --id 8130 --id 8133
> sysname Linux
> hostname lab01
> machine x86_64
> UseRobust 0
> Loading mri/ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.mgz
> Loading f-in-anat.nii
> Killed
> Moreover, when I use
> mri_vol2vol --reg register.dof6.lta --mov 
> mri/ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.nii.gz --fstarg --o 
> ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1_struct2func.nii --interp nearest (with or 
> without --inv)
> the output is not unusable.
> Thanks
> Stefano
>> Il 26 agosto 2019 alle 20.02 ha scritto:
>> Thanks. By specifying f-in-anat.nii as output the mri_vol2vol command 
>> runs fine.
>> How can I convert into the functional space the 
>> ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.mgz? Of note, to convert the orig.mgz I have 
>> already added to the line --inv.
>>> Il 26 agosto 2019 alle 15.35 "Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D." 
>>> <> ha scritto:
>>> Is that all it prints out? BTW, you can just specify f-in-anat.nii 
>>> as the output of mri_vol2vol, you never have to go into mgh format
>>> On 8/23/2019 5:20 PM, <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>>         External Email - Use Caution
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have used:
>>>> mri_vol2vol --reg register.dof6.lta --mov fmcpr.nii.gz --fstarg --o 
>>>> f-in-anat.mgh
>>>> mri_binarize --i mri/ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.mgz --min 8112 --max 
>>>> 8114 --o merged_ROIs.nii.gz
>>>> mri_segstats --seg merged_ROIs.nii.gz --id 1 --i f-in-anat.mgh 
>>>> --avgwf time_course
>>>> The error occurs when the followed command is running:
>>>> mri_convert.bin f-in-anat.mgh f-in-anat.nii.gz
>>>> $Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
>>>> reading from f-in-anat.mgh...
>>>> /usr/local/freesurfer/bin/mri_convert: line 3: 29749 Killed
>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Il 12 aprile 2019 alle 20.42 "Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D." 
>>>>> <> <> ha scritto:
>>>>> Use mri_vol2vol --reg register.dof6.lta --mov fmcpr.nii.gz 
>>>>> --fstarg --o fmpr.conformed.mgz
>>>>> Then use the conformed thalamic nuclei volume when running 
>>>>> mri_segstats
>>>>> On 4/12/2019 1:46 PM, 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>         External Email - Use Caution
>>>>>> Thanks!!
>>>>>> Using mri_segstats, is the 
>>>>>> input subj/rest/001/fmcpr.sm6.mni305.2mm.nii.gz?
>>>>>> Or should I use the .odd like fmcpr.odd.sm6.mni305.1mm.nii.gz or 
>>>>>> fmcpr.odd.sm6.mni305.2mm.nii.gz?
>>>>>>> Il 12 aprile 2019 alle 16.59 "Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D." 
>>>>>>> <> <> ha 
>>>>>>> scritto:
>>>>>>> You'll need to either convert the time series data into the 
>>>>>>> conformed space or the segmentation into the functional space. 
>>>>>>> The first is probably better (it will create a huge file but you 
>>>>>>> can delete it when you are done). Use mri_vol2vol --reg 
>>>>>>> register.dof6.lta --mov fmcpr.nii.gz --fstarg --o 
>>>>>>> fmpr.conformed.mgz
>>>>>>> Then use the conformed thalamic nuclei volume when running 
>>>>>>> mri_segstats
>>>>>>> On 4/12/2019 7:39 AM, 
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>         External Email - Use Caution
>>>>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>>>>> I would like to extract fMRI time series from the thalamic 
>>>>>>>> subregions that I obtained by the recent tool implemented in FS.
>>>>>>>> I have run
>>>>>>>> mri_segstats --seg subj/mri/ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.mgz --ctab 
>>>>>>>> $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i 
>>>>>>>> subj/rest/001/fmcpr.sm6.mni305.2mm.nii.gz --avgwf 
>>>>>>>> Time_Seriesfolder/ADNI011_HC.MNI --id 8120 --id 8121 --id 8122 
>>>>>>>> --id 8123 --id 8220 --id 8221 --id 8222 --id 8223
>>>>>>>> The command produces this error:
>>>>>>>> ERROR: dimension mismatch between input volume and seg
>>>>>>>> input 76 76 93
>>>>>>>> seg 169 105 118
>>>>>>>> Please, I have other questions for you.
>>>>>>>> 1) At starting, I have used the command line reported below:
>>>>>>>> preproc-sess -sf sessid -fwhm 6 -surface fsaverage lhrh -mni305 
>>>>>>>> -fsd rest -per-run -sliceorder odd
>>>>>>>> The -mni305-1mm could be more useful?
>>>>>>>> My raw-data are:
>>>>>>>> data_type UINT16
>>>>>>>> dim1 64
>>>>>>>> dim2 64
>>>>>>>> dim3 48
>>>>>>>> dim4 140
>>>>>>>> datatype 512
>>>>>>>> pixdim1 3.312500
>>>>>>>> pixdim2 3.312500
>>>>>>>> pixdim3 3.312500
>>>>>>>> pixdim4 3.000000
>>>>>>>> cal_max 0.0000
>>>>>>>> cal_min 0.0000
>>>>>>>> file_type NIFTI-1+
>>>>>>>> 2) In the mri_segstats the input is 
>>>>>>>> subj/rest/001/fmcpr.sm6.mni305.2mm.nii.gz.
>>>>>>>> Do you agree? Conversely, should I use the .odd like 
>>>>>>>> fmcpr.odd.sm6.mni305.1mm.nii.gz or fmcpr.odd.sm6.mni305.2mm.nii.gz?
>>>>>>>> 3) If I interested to obtained the time course from a unique 
>>>>>>>> region expressing the merging of some thalamic regions (i.e. 
>>>>>>>> 8121plus 8122 plus 8123), which is the options that should I added?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Stefano
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