Hi James
can you verify that the various files (e.g.
are intact by loading them into freeview? For the area file you will of
course have to load it as an overlay not as a surface (since it isn't a
On Mon, 29 Oct 2018, James Michael Roe wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear freesurfer experts
I’m running the following commands to register RH area and volume files per sub
to both hemispheres
of a symmetrical template following Xhemi routines.
The commands have already worked for many subs, but are failing to write the
target file for a
number of others (and all run fine without the –-jac flag)
#right to left
mris_apply_reg \
--src $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/surf/rh.area \
--trg $concatdir/rh.lh.area.${sub}.${template}.nii.gz \
--streg $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/xhemi/surf/lh.${template}.sphere.reg
$SUBJECTS_DIR/${template}/surf/lh.sphere.reg \
#right to right
mris_apply_reg \
--src $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/surf/rh.area \
--trg $concatdir/rh.rh.area.${sub}.${template}.nii.gz \
--streg $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/surf/rh.${template}.sphere.reg
$SUBJECTS_DIR/${template}/surf/rh.sphere.reg \
The error is not template-specific as the output is the same using fsaverage_sym
Attached is the log file.
Thanks in advance!
- James
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