Hi James

can you verify that the various files (e.g. /cluster/projects/p23/projects/Memory_Project/James/AgeSym/long_recons_FXhemi/010_NDev/1000409_02_10_02_11.long.base_1000409_11/surf/rh.area)

are intact by loading them into freeview? For the area file you will of course have to load it as an overlay not as a surface (since it isn't a surface)

On Mon, 29 Oct 2018, James Michael Roe wrote:

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​Dear freesurfer experts


I’m running the following commands to register RH area and volume files per sub 
to both hemispheres
of a symmetrical template following Xhemi routines. 

The commands have already worked for many subs, but are failing to write the 
target file for a
number of others (and all run fine without the –-jac flag)

#right to left

mris_apply_reg \

--src $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/surf/rh.area \

--trg $concatdir/rh.lh.area.${sub}.${template}.nii.gz \

--streg $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/xhemi/surf/lh.${template}.sphere.reg
$SUBJECTS_DIR/${template}/surf/lh.sphere.reg \



#right to right

mris_apply_reg \

--src $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/surf/rh.area \

--trg $concatdir/rh.rh.area.${sub}.${template}.nii.gz \

--streg $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/surf/rh.${template}.sphere.reg
$SUBJECTS_DIR/${template}/surf/rh.sphere.reg \



The error is not template-specific as the output is the same using fsaverage_sym

Attached is the log file.


Thanks in advance!


​- James

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