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Thanks for the feedback. Given our data set (1mm^3 timepoint1 and 0.8mm^3
timepoint 2), what would be the best way to salvage this data and look for
longitudinal changes? Would it be possible to upsample/downsample the
images so that they are the same resolution (i.e. using mriconvert)? Also,
would a normalized measure like ventricle-brain-ratio theoretically be
resistant to these scanner/acquisition induced biases?



On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 5:15 AM, Martin Reuter <mreu...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

> Hi,
> never switch hardware or protocols in a longitudinal study. This is a good
> example for what happens: you will find effects that are caused by
> different acquisition rather than anatomical differences. It will be
> impossible to disentangle true change from scanner/acquisition induced
> changes, especially with only a few time points and no or little subjects
> scanned on both scanners or with both protocols.
> Also 5mm resolution is too low for freesurfer and anything can come out of
> that. It won’t be reliable.
> Best, Martin
> On 6. Apr 2018, at 21:21, Matthew Grecsek <m...@grecsek.com> wrote:
> Here are some statistics I generated for one of my subjects processed
> through the longitudinal stream with T0 as the initial scan and T1 18 mos
> later. (not sure if the inline tables will be properly formatted so I
> attached text files of them).
> Unfortunately the only initial scan I had was a 5mm resolution for T0
> versus 1mm for T1. I understand FS recommends a resolution not exceeding
> 1.5mm, but we gave it a try anyway to see if there was anything useful. My
> expectation was that the stats would be off by a consistent ratio due to
> the different resolutions, however I was surprised by the variability.
> In particular, as James found, for some ROIs there are net increases in
> cortical thickness and brain volume over time.
> Is this simply a factor that the algorithms are confused by the different
> image resolutions and therefore no possible longitudinal study can reliably
> be presumed in this circumstance?
> Should we expect similar anomalies in cross-sectional studies, such as if
> my subjects have 1mm resolutions and a collaborating institution has 0.8mm
> subjects?
> Cheers,
> -Matt
> Aseg Stats
> Measure:volume T0 T1 Base T0.long.base T1.long.base
> Left-Lateral-Ventricle                 9,455.2               13,085.8
> 12,344.2               10,928.1               13,268.0
> Left-Inf-Lat-Vent                       61.8                     174.1
> 171.7                       90.3                     303.3
> Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter               26,892.5               18,563.1
>               17,066.4               23,905.6               17,597.8
> Left-Cerebellum-Cortex               57,390.8               66,458.7
> 64,631.3               60,374.1               65,898.6
> Left-Thalamus-Proper               10,757.3                 9,094.2
> 9,918.5               10,350.8                 9,588.3
> Left-Caudate                 3,619.4                 3,673.8
> 3,608.8                 3,588.7                 3,872.7
> Left-Putamen                 5,463.7                 5,439.2
> 5,171.0                 5,602.0                 5,721.7
> Left-Pallidum                 2,380.9                 2,208.6
> 1,897.1                 2,270.8                 2,147.9
> 3rd-Ventricle                 1,181.8                 1,174.6
> 1,328.7                 1,432.2                 1,416.9
> 4th-Ventricle                 1,209.1                 1,602.0
> 1,547.7                 1,322.4                 1,981.1
> Brain-Stem               25,154.2               26,141.3               
> 25,890.7
>               25,988.7               25,954.6
> Left-Hippocampus                 4,205.3                 4,335.6
> 4,378.0                 4,478.2                 4,407.2
> Left-Amygdala                 1,488.1                 1,725.9
> 1,588.6                 1,531.3                 1,638.0
> CSF                 1,440.9                 1,321.0                 1,551.0
>                 1,910.1                 1,394.7
> Left-Accumbens-area                     295.0                     273.2
> 327.7                     274.9                     380.0
> Left-VentralDC                 5,086.1                 4,935.5
> 5,429.6                 5,106.9                 5,041.7
> Left-vessel                            -                         16.6
> 7.7                            -                         48.5
> Left-choroid-plexus                     221.6                     419.4
> 271.7                     429.5                     734.2
> Right-Lateral-Ventricle                 6,465.1                 9,581.5
> 8,695.5                 6,893.5                 9,713.9
> Right-Inf-Lat-Vent                     360.0                     333.7
> 408.5                     400.5                     518.0
> Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter               21,673.2               16,458.6
>               14,923.8               21,877.6               15,850.3
> Right-Cerebellum-Cortex               57,831.7               68,348.9
> 65,845.5               60,300.5               68,194.1
> Right-Thalamus-Proper                 9,219.0                 9,128.7
> 9,229.9                 9,560.8                 9,177.7
> Right-Caudate                 3,727.7                 3,729.9
> 3,221.4                 3,590.4                 3,915.1
> Right-Putamen                 5,401.9                 5,515.4
> 5,088.3                 5,410.8                 5,894.9
> Right-Pallidum                 2,470.8                 2,259.8
> 1,965.1                 2,211.6                 1,999.4
> Right-Hippocampus                 4,071.4                 4,189.8
> 4,256.0                 4,259.8                 4,026.3
> Right-Amygdala                 1,591.1                 1,982.6
> 1,836.8                 1,733.3                 1,950.0
> Right-Accumbens-area                     522.2                     605.3
> 594.3                     545.3                     599.0
> Right-VentralDC                 4,692.4                 4,600.8
> 4,948.9                 4,844.5                 4,824.4
> Right-vessel                            -                         15.0
> -                              -                         59.3
> Right-choroid-plexus                     353.5                     590.1
> 506.4                     956.9                 1,234.4
> 5th-Ventricle                            -                              -
>                            -                           6.4
> 2.5
> WM-hypointensities               99,547.8                     930.7
> 59,648.6               25,495.7               35,013.7
> Left-WM-hypointensities                            -
> -                              -                              -
> -
> Right-WM-hypointensities                            -
> -                              -                              -
> -
> non-WM-hypointensities                            -
> -                              -                           1.0
> 6.8
> Left-non-WM-hypointensities                            -
> -                              -                              -
> -
> Right-non-WM-hypointensities                            -
> -                              -                              -
> -
> Optic-Chiasm                     322.9                     238.7
> 300.8                     318.2                     293.4
> CC_Posterior                 1,296.8                 1,302.2
> ...
> [Message clipped]
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