Hi all experts,
I am using freesurfer dev version for segmentation of hippocampus and
amydala. I have a doubt about it.
1. In FS 6.0, I can type '203-226' in freeview for viewing subfields of
hippocampus. In dev version, When I type 'freeview -v nu.mgz -v
lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v2x.FS60.mgz:colormap=lut', there are subfields of
hippocampus and amydala. How can I view them respectively, and get
corresponding colors to every subfield?
2. The hippoSFvolumes.txt shows the volume of body and head of some
subfields, such as CA1, CA3. But When I type 'freeview -v nu.mgz -v
lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v2x.FS60.mgz:colormap=lut', it seems to serve the body
and head as a whole. Is there any way to resolve it?
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