Hello Freesurfer crowd.  I am working on try to get my first fMRI scan working. 
 I have come a long ways in terms of setting things up but have reached a road 
block that I have unable to get past.

I have been following along the slides from the power point presentation 
"FSFAST Part 2".  I got as far as slide #32: Preprocessing Command".  
Specifically, I entered the following command:

-sf sessids
-surface fsaverage lhrh
-fwhm 5

Things started to happen but finished rather quickly.  I looked through the 
text output and it would appear that it cannot find the bet.fsl tools(?).

I looked at the directory to where it was looking at it IS in there (i.e. 

I also labelled things exactly as outlined: (i.e. 

I have attached a couple text files from the output logs.

What can I try next?

Brad J. Matushewski, M.Sc., R.Kin., CSEP-CEP.
Laboratory for Brain & Heart Health
School of Kinesiology
Western University
Room 402, Arthur & Sonia Labatt Health Sciences Building
London, ON, Canada, N6A 5B9
Tel: (519) 661-2111 x 89066
Fax: (519) 850-2447

Attachment: preproc-sess.Sess01.log
Description: preproc-sess.Sess01.log

Attachment: preproc-Sess01-bold.log
Description: preproc-Sess01-bold.log

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