I'm sorry but I do not understand my error.

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>Data: 19-feb-2016 18.05
>A: <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>Ogg: Re: [Freesurfer] R: Re: R: FS-FAST using MRS voxel or .label as seed
>Yes, that is expected given your command line.
>On 02/18/2016 06:52 PM, std...@virgilio.it wrote:
>> By running
>> mri_cor2label --i $SUBJECTS_DIR/mri/MRS_MASK.nii.gz --id 1 --l MRS.label
>> and opening the MRS.label by tksurfer fsaverage rh inflate -aparc -overlay 
>> label
>> the inflate is empty.
>> Stefano
>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>> Da: Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>> Data: 19-feb-2016 0.34
>>> A: <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>> Ogg: Re: [Freesurfer] R: FS-FAST using MRS voxel or .label as seed
>>> That is an incorrect usage of mri_cor2label. MRS_MASK.nii.gz is a
>>> volume, not a surface overlay. By using --surf, you are indicating that
>>> it is a surface overlay
>>> On 02/18/2016 06:30 PM, std...@virgilio.it wrote:
>>>> Furthermore, if I use mir_cor2label in order to show the location of
>>>> MRS voxel (in native space) this error occurs:
>>>> mri_cor2label --c $SUBJECTS_DIR/subj/MRS_MASK.nii.gz --id 1 --l
>>>> MRS.label --surf fsaverage lh
>>>> $Id: mri_cor2label.c,v 1.12 2011/03/02 00:04:14 nicks Exp $
>>>> Loading mri
>>>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/subject_dir/subj/MRS_MASK.nii.gz
>>>> Loading
>>>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/subject_dir/fsaverage/surf/lh.white
>>>> ERROR: dim mismatch between surface (163842) and input (16777216)
>>>>      ----Messaggio originale----
>>>>      Da: std...@virgilio.it
>>>>      Data: 19-feb-2016 0.10
>>>>      A: <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>      Ogg: [Freesurfer] FS-FAST using MRS voxel or .label as seed
>>>>      Hi list,
>>>>      I'm having problem to use FS-FAST fMRI connectivity using as seed
>>>>      a mask of a MRS voxel or .label obtained by drawing it from
>>>>      surface. In order to resolve my concern, I'm reporting step by
>>>>      step the command lines which I have used. The mask, f.nii.gz,
>>>>      orig.nii.gz and aparc+aseg.nii.gz showed a good overlap.
>>>>      These are the features of each one:
>>>>      fslinfo orig.nii.gz
>>>>      data_type UINT8
>>>>      dim1           256
>>>>      dim2           256
>>>>      dim3           256
>>>>      dim4           1
>>>>      datatype       2
>>>>      pixdim1 1.000000
>>>>      pixdim2 1.000000
>>>>      pixdim3 1.000000
>>>>      pixdim4 0.010747
>>>>      cal_max   0.0000
>>>>      cal_min 0.0000
>>>>      file_type NIFTI-1+
>>>>      fslinfo aparc+aseg.nii.gz
>>>>      data_type INT32
>>>>      dim1           256
>>>>      dim2           256
>>>>      dim3           256
>>>>      dim4           1
>>>>      datatype       8
>>>>      pixdim1 1.000000
>>>>      pixdim2 1.000000
>>>>      pixdim3 1.000000
>>>>      pixdim4 0.010747
>>>>      cal_max 0.0000
>>>>      cal_min 0.0000
>>>>      file_type NIFTI-1+
>>>>      fslinfo MRS_MASK.nii.gz
>>>>      data_type FLOAT32
>>>>      dim1           256
>>>>      dim2           256
>>>>      dim3           256
>>>>      dim4           1
>>>>      datatype       16
>>>>      pixdim1 1.000000
>>>>      pixdim2 1.000000
>>>>      pixdim3 1.000000
>>>>      pixdim4 0.000000
>>>>      cal_max 0.0000
>>>>      cal_min 0.0000
>>>>      file_type NIFTI-1+
>>>>      I’m using MNI2mm for subcortical analysis.
>>>>      mri_convert $SUBJECTS_DIR/Subj/MRS_Voxel_FS_space.nii.gz
>>>>      $SUBJECTS_DIR/Subj/mri/MRS_MASK.mgz
>>>>      fcseed-config -segid 1 -seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/Subj/mri/MRS_MASK.mgz
>>>>      -fsd rest -mean -cfg MRS_MASK.config –overwrite
>>>>      fcseed-sess -s Subj -cfg MRS_MASK.config -overwrite
>>>>      mkanalysis-sess -analysis fc.MRS_MASK.surf.lh -surface fsaverage
>>>>      lh -fwhm 8 -notask -taskreg MRS_MASK 1 -nuisreg vcsf.dat 5
>>>>      -nuisreg wm.dat 5 -polyfit 5 -nskip 4 -mcextreg -fsd rest -TR 1.1
>>>>      -per-run -overwrite
>>>>      mkanalysis-sess -analysis fc.MRS_MASK.surf.rh -surface fsaverage
>>>>      rh -fwhm 8 -notask -taskreg MRS_MASK 1 -nuisreg vcsf.dat 5
>>>>      -nuisreg wm.dat 5 -polyfit 5 -nskip 4 -mcextreg -fsd rest -TR 1.1
>>>>      -per-run -overwrite
>>>>      mkanalysis-sess -analysis fc.MRS_MASK.mni305 -mni305 -fwhm 8
>>>>      -notask -taskreg MRS_MASK 1 -nuisreg vcsf.dat 5 -nuisreg wm.dat 5
>>>>      -polyfit 5 -nskip 4 -mcextreg -fsd rest -TR 1.1 -per-run -overwrite
>>>>      selxavg3-sess -sf sessid -a fc.MRS_MASK.surf.rh
>>>>      selxavg3-sess -sf sessid -a fc.MRS_MASK.surf.lh
>>>>      selxavg3-sess -sf sessid -a fc.MRS_MASK.mni305
>>>>      isxconcat-sess -sf sessid -analysis fc.MRS_MASK.surf.rh -contrast
>>>>      MRS_MASK -o my-group
>>>>      isxconcat-sess -sf sessid -analysis fc.MRS_MASK.surf.lh -contrast
>>>>      MRS_MASK -o my-group
>>>>      isxconcat-sess -sf sessid -analysis fc.MRS_MASK.mni305 -contrast
>>>>      MRS_MASK -o my-group
>>>>      When I run fcseed-sess -s Subj -cfg MRS_MASK.config -overwrite,
>>>>      it seem to be functioning for the first subj, but the next subj2
>>>>      show this error
>>>>      Loading
>>>>      /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/fMRI/subj2/rest/001/fmcpr.nii.gz
>>>>      Voxel Volume is 64.5752 mm^3
>>>>      Generating list of segmentation ids
>>>>      Found   1 segmentations
>>>>      Computing statistics for each segmentation
>>>>        0 1 0       0.000
>>>>      MRIalloc(0, 1, 1): bad parm
>>>>      Reporting on   0 segmentations
>>>>      Computing spatial average of each frame
>>>>      Writing to
>>>>      //Applications/freesurfer/subjects/fMRI/subj2/rest/001/tmp.fcseed-
>> 28328/avgwf.mgh
>>>>      Segmentation fault
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>>> -- 
>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>> MGH-NMR Center
>>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>>> Fax: 617-726-7422
>>> Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
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>> Freesurfer mailing list
>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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>Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>MGH-NMR Center
>Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>Fax: 617-726-7422
>Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
>FileDrop: https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2
>Outgoing: ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/
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