Ok, I didn't realize you were using the longitudinal stream. So the data sets that you sent were from one of the time points? How many time points are there for a subject?

The longitudinal stream uses all the time points at once, which makes the convergence a bit slower than the cross-sectional case, so the default # of samples is somewhat higher than the default for cross-sectional (but much less than 100K). We should look into this with the full longitudinal set of images to see why it's converging so much slower for your data.

On Mon, 22 Jun 2015, Peggy Skelly wrote:

Thanks for looking at the data. 

1- Since the data has already been acquired, I can't change that. For our new 
study we are setting up, we'll definitely use isotropic
resolution, and we'll probably acquire a fieldmap to correct for epi 

FSL has some recommendations at FDT/FAQ and there are also recommendations from 

2 - I am using the longitudinal processing stream. I usually create a bash 
script to call trac-all -path with the dmrirc.txt file listing
the sessions (timepoints) and the baselist for a single subject. I can then 
have a few scripts for different subjects running
concurrently. Looking at Len_Avg for rh.cst for one subject, there seems to be 
more variability between -path runs than between
session/timepoints, even when sessions are on different scanners (1.5T vs 3T). 

Specifically (using 7500 iterations), for one run, Len_avg of rh.cst was 
41.8583. The value was the same to 4 decimal points across 6
different sessions, 4-3T scans and 2-1.5T scans. On a separate run, Len_avg was 
50.0967, also agreeing to 4 decimal places on the 6
different scans.

We definitely need to run longer than the default iterations, but do all the 
subjects need to be run at the same time (listed in a single
dmrirc file)? Within the longitudinal stream, during trac-all -path, there 
seems to be initialization with priors from the base space. Is
there some other interaction between timepoints/sessions/subj_list causing 
session-similar output, but run variability? I'm wondering if
they use the same random number seed for the mcmc algorithm?


On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Anastasia Yendiki 
<ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

      Hi Peggy - Thanks for sending me the data. The tract reconstructions look 
much different than what I'm used to seeing, from
      other users or our own data. Visually, it seems to me like the 100K one 
is more converged. The probability distributions of
      the pathways look much sharper, so when thresholded you don't get much of 
the tails of the distribution, which would be
      noisier. It's hard to tell why it's taking so much longer to sample the 
distributions in your data. The only thing I see that
      stands out is that the resolution in z is quite low (3mm), so some of the 
tracts (see for example cingulum, corpus callosum)
      are only 1 voxel thick in z. This combined with partial voluming 
(ventricles seem enlarged) probably introduces more
      uncertainty in the data. If you can change the aqcuisition, I'd recommend 
isotropic resolution (the usual is 2mm) as
      anisotropic voxels introduce bias in estimates of diffusion anisotropy. 
If you have to stick with the existing acquisition,
      it looks like the default sampling settings will have to be changed for 
your case. I'm happy to help troubleshoot further.

      For a longitudinal study, I recommend using the longitudinal tracula 
stream. We've found that it improves test-retest
      reliability in longitudinal measurements substantially, while also 
improving sensitivity to longitudinal changes (the paper
      is in review).


      On Fri, 19 Jun 2015, Peggy Skelly wrote:

            It's been a while, but we are still working on computing our tracts 

            We are still struggling with variability of the output from 
            -path'.  Running with the default number of iterations, there was 
            variability in the output from multiple runs, that I ran longer 
            to see if the output would converge to more consistent values. Here 
is the
            fa_avg_weight of the rh.cst for a single set of dwi images 
processed through
            tracula, then trac-all -path run several times (with reinit=0 and 
            values for nburnin & nkeep):

            nsample=7500: 0.516818, 0.529206, 0.495232, 0.514368, 0.492393, 
            nsample=20,000: 0.521082, 0.513492, 0.50974
            nsample=50,000: 0.506167, 0.502324, 0.504106
            nsample=100,000: 0.530423

            Between 7500 and 50k samples, it does seem like the algorithm is 
            but at 100k samples the output is out of the range of any previous 
runs. (I
            keep looking for errors in how I ran that one, and am running it 

            In the reference Yendiki, et.al, 2011, you state that the burn-in 
            iterations to ensure convergence is for future investigation. Have 
you had
            any more thoughts or progress on this topic?

            We are doing a longitudinal analysis, comparing FA_avg_weight over 
            pre- and post- a 3-month therapeutic intervention. So we anticipate 
            small changes. Do you have any suggestions for how we handle this


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