Hello everyone,

I have a new question concerning fsaverage: I would like to perform some
asymmetry analyses but I noticed that the left and right hemispheres were
not symmetric.

I found here ( https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/Xhemi ) how to
register a subject to fsaverage_sym but I have some issues.
"surfreg --s $subject --t fsaverage_sym --lh" worked fine (see first log
file)  and the ${subject}/xhemi/surf/ folder is empty.
Then "surfreg --s $subject --t fsaverage_sym --lh --xhemi" (see second log
file) didn't work because ${subject}/xhemi/surf/lh.sphere was not found.
Did I miss something ? I modified FS 5.1 thanks to the section
"Installation" concerning my configuration.

Moreover, I cannot test yet but I would like to know if the following
commands will work for a single subject:
mris_preproc --target fsaverage_sym --hemi lh \
  --xhemi --paired-diff \
  --srcsurfreg fsaverage_sym.sphere.reg \
  --meas thickness \
  --out lh.lh-rh.thickness.sm00.mgh \
  --s ${name_subject}

# Smooth e.g. 10mm of the surface
mris_fwhm --s ${name_subject} --hemi lh --cortex --smooth-only --fwhm 10
--i lh.lh-rh.thickness.sm00.mgh --o lh.lh-rh.thickness.sm10.mgh

# Analyze
mri_glmfit --y lh.lh-rh.thickness.sm10.mgh --glmdir
glm.lh.lh-rh.thickness.sm10 --osgm --surf ${name_subject} lh

I slightly modified the commands on the tutorial for my needs but I can't
check for the moment.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

2014-12-05 12:09 GMT+01:00 Alexandre Routier <alexandre.rout...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> Thanks for your answers :)
> mri_annotation2label enabled me to convert the ROI of Desikan Atlas as I
> wanted and the Brodmann were indeed in 
> $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/label
> .
> Have a nice day,
> Alexandre
> 2014-12-04 23:01 GMT+01:00 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>> Hi Alexandre
>> I'm not entirely sure what you are asking, but the fsaverage Brodmann
>> areas and parcellations should all be stored in the directory:
>> $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/label
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Thu, 4 Dec 2014, Alexandre Routier wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>> I am currently working with cortical thickness and more particularly with
>>> the fsaverage. Since the thickness has the same number of voxel, I would
>>> like to correspond the voxels with some ROI, for instance the
>>> Desikan-Killiany Atlas or the Brodmann area.
>>> Are they any label or text files which correspond a ROI with the indices
>>> of
>>> the voxels in fsaverage ?
>>> Thanks in advance for you help,
>>> Alexandre
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