Please find enclose a 2 years Post Doctoral position at the Neurofunctional 
Imaging Group in Bordeaux - France
The Neurofunctional Imaging Group (GIN) is a CNRS-CEA joint research unit of 
the Bordeaux University (UMR 5296, dir. Bernard Mazoyer) and a core member of 
the TRAIL <> Laboratory of Excellence. The 
GIN is a multidisciplinary research unit gathering scientists with initial 
training in mathematics and instrumentation, cognitive neurosciences, signal 
processing and databasing.

One objective of the current GIN research project is to develop new tools to 
characterize and describe the gray matter anatomical connectivity networks. 
Within this area we have a position for a 2 years Post Doc.

Description of the position

Recent work on brain connectivity modeling revealed that the topographic 
organization of this connectivity is not limited to large-scale anatomical 
pathways generally observable in diffusion MRI, thus reinforcing the interest 
of studies focusing on the characterization of cortical structural connectivity 
and its variability. Therefore, the estimation of relevant grey matter 
connectomes strongly relies on the choice of an ad'hoc cerebral parcellisation.

We propose a post doc project to first implement a probabilistic cortical atlas 
derived from cortical parcellisations defined individually to optimally extract 
cortical thickness and volume of each individual. The second aim of the post 
doc project is to compute cortical structural connectivity to quantify the 
inter-individual variability of brain organization together with the effects of 
specific factors such as gender, manual preference, functional lateralization 
or cognitive skills. The strength of the present project is that it will 
benefits from the already acquired BIL&GIN database composed of 453 healthy 
volunteers balanced for gender and handedness. Hence, the first probabilistic 
cortical atlas will be operated over a large sample, the 453 participants 
having been previously pre-processed.

Qualification and experience
The qualified applicant should have a PhD in neuro-image analysis, cognitive 
neuroscience, computer science or related field and a background in neuroimage 
processing. Applicants should have experience with existing tools for analysis 
of neuroimaging data (SPM, FSL, Freesurfer.) and a relevant programming 
experience (MATLAB).

For further information, please contact Dr. Fabrice Crivello 
( <>).
Employment and payment are determined by Bordeaux University (2 400 € per 
month, net salary). Job location is in Bordeaux, France. Interested candidates 
should send their applications including CV with full publication list, the 
names and contact information and a summary of research interests to <>.

Dr. Fabrice CRIVELLO
Groupe d'Imagerie Neurofonctionnelle    
UMR 5296 - CNRS CEA Université Bordeaux

Université de Bordeaux
146, rue Léo Saignat
CS 61292
33076 Bordeaux Cedex

Mob : +33 681 064 753
Tel : +33 547 304 402
Fax : +33 547 304 394

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