Hi Alessia

if the talairach is really incorrect that can mess things up. I suspect it's not just the CC, but the aseg as a whole that doesn't look good since we do use the talairach.xfm for some initializations if it is present.


On Wed, 28 May 2014, Alessia Giuliano wrote:

Dear FreeSurfer team,
in order to verify that the segmentation of Corpus Callosum was independent
from the initial orientation of the subject MR scan I repeated the recon-all
of FreeSurfer in two conditions:

1- when the initial alignement of the scan to the MNI space was gross;
2- when the initial alignement of the scan was more precise, but amyway
performed manuallly.

We found two different results in the CC segmentation and in the resulting
volumes of its subregions comparing 1 and 2.

How is it possible? 
I thought that the CC segmentation was performed in the MNI space or with
respect to CC eigen axes, but independently from the initial orientation of
the scan.

Thank you,

Alessia Giuliano

Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 12:02:26 -0400
From: fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Corpus Callosum segmentation

Hi Alessia

it's tought to tell from a single slice as the subject's head orientation might be a bit slanted. The subregions in the CC are defined purely by the distance along the CC's eigenaxis.


On Mon, 26 May 2014, Alessia Giuliano wrote:

> Dear FreeSurfer team,
> > I'm intrested in the segmentation of Corpus Callosum and in the volumes of
> its subregions.
> > Freesurfer divides the Corpus Callosum in 5 subregions but I have noticed an
> inconsistency in the boundary that separates the anterior part from the
> middle anterior one. 
> In particular, the Rostrum is sometimes included in the anterior part, but
> other times it is included in the middle anterior part, as you can see
> comparing the two screenshots that I've attached.
> > How much can I consider this parcellation to be reliable? > > Thank you, > > Alessia Giuliano > >

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