Dear FreeSurfer experts,

I've been using FreeSurfer for 2 months now, and I have a question on how
to proceed to do the following thing:

My goal is to obtain the CRS coordinates of the corpus callossum.

Here is what I was thinking to do, based on what I read:

1. Annotation to segmentation:
   mri_annotation2label --seg --hemi ?? --subject bert volume_annot.mgh

=> I need to provide an hemisphere, which one should I use, should I do
this for both ?

2. Binarize the volume, keeping the label we want:
     mri_binarize --i volume_annot.mgh --match 86 --o corpusCallossum.mgh

=> I use the number 86 based on the LUT table...

3. Execute:
   mri_surfcluster --in corpusCallossum.mgh --thmin 0.5 --subject bert
--hemi ?? --o outputfile.mgh

Am I on the right path? I am not sure on how to use the outputfile.mgh
after. Did I miss any arguments in the command line?

Thank you in advance for your help

Thomas Paul.
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