1 would be better but 2 would be sufficient as long as X, Y and Z don't vary too much
On Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Ashley Shurick wrote:

Hi Bruce (and others),
We can balance the numbers to allow the same number in each configuration.
But just to clarify, are you saying we should do, for example, 10 patient
scan 1, 10 patient scan 2, 10 patient scan 3, and 10 HC scan 1, 10 HC scan
2, 10 HC scan 3, to perfectly balance everything out? Or do we just need to
have X patient and X HC in scan 1, Y patient and Y HC with scan 2, and Z
patient and Z HC with scanning parameter 3?

Thank you for your assistance.


On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
      Hi Ashley

      that is probably trouble unless your groups are perfectly
      balanced across the datasets (that is, the same # in each group
      were scanned on each configuration).


      On Tue, 11 Mar 2014, Ashley Shurick wrote:

      I'm interested in comparing CT differences between 2
      different groups, and
      in order to increase my sample size I'm contemplating
      combining 3 datasets
      with different scanning parameters. 
      Some scans were collected with a 3T1 with fmri head coil,
      while others were
      collected with a 3T2 magnet with 8 channel head coil. The
      scans also differ
      in FOV (25.6 vs 22cm) and resolution.

      Thank you in advance for your support.


Ashley A. ShurickPh.D. Candidate
Department of Psychology
Stanford University

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