Sorry, the summary file is not what you want. Can you send a list of the 
files in the folder?

On 02/24/2014 11:26 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> what version of FS are you using? there should be a file with 
> "summary" in the name. Also, try looking at the help with 
> mri_glmfit-sim --help
> doug
> On 02/21/2014 11:39 PM, charujing123 wrote:
>> Hi doug,
>> I tried to generate the mean thickness of the cluster in uncorrected 
>> p value<0.005 for each subject by this command "mri_glmfit-sim 
>> --glmdir lh.score.dir --cwp 1 --cache 2.3 neg". It generates some 
>> files named with suffix 
>> ".pdf.dat,cluster.mgh,cluster.summary,masked.mgh,ocn.annot,ocn.mgh,voxel.mgh".
>> I cannot find a file that can tell me the mean thickness for each 
>> subject. Did I miss something?
>> Thanks.
>> All the best.
>> Rujing Zha
>> 2014-02-22
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> charujing123
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *发件人:*"charujing123"<>
>> *发送时间:*2014-02-22 10:08
>> *主题:*Re: [Freesurfer] extracting mean thickness from specific cluster
>> *收件 人:*"" 
>> <>
>> *抄送:*
>> Hi doug and others,
>> Thanks doug.
>> For 1st question:I find that file. However not all has that file.May 
>> I generate it manually?
>> Thanks doug.
>> All the best.
>> Rujing Zha
>> 2014-02-22
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> charujing123
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *发件人:*Douglas Greve <>
>> *发送时间:*2014-02-21 23:46
>> *主题:*Re: [Freesurfer] extracting mean thickness from specific cluster
>> *收件人:*"freesurfer"<>
>> *抄送:*
>> On 2/21/14 10:04 AM, charujing123 wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I finished the mri_glmfit-sim, and got some clusters in the cluster 
>>> summary.
>>> 1,I want to know how to extract mean thickness for each subject in 
>>> this cluster?
>> There should already be a file there called something like 
>> something.y.ocn.dat. This will have a row for each subject and a 
>> column for each cluster. The value will be the mean for that subject 
>> inside that cluster.
>>> 2,If I want to extract mean thickness of each subject according to a 
>>> uncorrected p value, i.e. 0.005, what should I do to perform it?
>> What do you mean? Over all vertices that survive? Or for each all 
>> clusterwith a cluster-forming threshold of .005? If the latter, you 
>> can run mri_glmfit-sim with --cwp 1 --cache 2.3 abs
>>> Thanks.
>>> All the best.
>>> Rujing Zha
>>> 2014-02-21
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>> charujing123
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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