Hi Francesco - The decimal separator should be dot, not comma. Can you send me the bvecs/bvals that you get after you change from row to column format? (Both the ones that you feed into trac-all and the ones that get created under dmri/.)


On Tue, 11 Feb 2014, Francesco Baldacchini wrote:

Hi again Anastasia,

I tried also to convert my three row bvecs file in a three column one but I still 
got the same "bvecs and bvals don't have
the same number of entries" error. I then tried also to change the dot to comma 
as the decimal separator but still nothing

Francesco Baldacchini

2014-02-11 15:06 GMT+01:00 Francesco Baldacchini <frankb...@gmail.com>:
      Ciao Anastasia, I checked and I'm using the latest version of Freesurfer, 
version 5.3.0. It seems like that
      the command trac-all path while working on the bvecs table and doing the 
corrections makes some errors and you
      can see it from the bvecs file I found in the dmri directory which is 
only 4 rows long.

2014-02-06 1:18 GMT+01:00 Anastasia Yendiki <ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:

      Hi Francesco - Which version of tracula are you running? To be able to 
use bvecs files that are in 3
      rows instead of 3 columns, you need to make sure that you have the latest 
update to tracula, see here:

      This option was not available in the previous releases of tracula.

      Hope this helps,

      On Mon, 20 Jan 2014, Francesco Baldacchini wrote:

            Sorry Anastasia, I'm seeing that my question was not so clear. The 
files I sent you in
            the first mail are the bvecs and bvals saved by trac-all -prep in 
the dmri directory.
            The original files are in attachment in this mail,

            Francesco Baldacchini

            2014/1/13 Anastasia Yendiki <ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

                  Hi Francesco - The bvecs file that you're attaching has only 
3 vectors,
                  while the bvals file has 65 b-values. Are these your original 
files, or the
                  ones saved by trac-all in the dmri/ directory?


                  On Mon, 13 Jan 2014, Francesco Baldacchini wrote:

                        Hi everybody,
                        I'm trying to run the trac all -prep command but after 
                        times I get this
                        error "bvecs and bvals don't have the same number of 
                        I've checked
                        my bvals and bvecs, which are in attach, but they seems 
to be
                        formatted in
                        the right way. What can I do? Thanks,

                        Francesco Baldacchini

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