Hi Krista,

Try using the following command:

tksurfer BV2 lh inflated -overlay $SUBJECTS_DIR/BV2/surf/lh.pial_lgi -fthresh 1

The error you got is because the overlay needs the full path to the pial_lgi 
file. Then, not all regions are coloured because the default minimum threshold 
is 2, and you want to set it at 1 to see whether everything want fine (fthresh 

If it's just for quality check it should not be a problem to transfer your 
subjects from one platform to another. 

Hope it helps,


On Feb 12, 2014, at 9:50 AM, krista kelly <krista.kell...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to do local gyrification with freesurfer and am having trouble. I 
> have the image processing toolbox and have set the path. I ran recon-all -s 
> BV21 -localGI and it exited without errors. Yet, when I try to view it in 
> tksurfer using tksurfer BV21 lh inflated -overlay lh.pial_lgi, I get this 
> error: cannot find rh.pial_lgi (even though it is in the surfs folder). I can 
> open the inflated brain in tksurfer and overlay lh.pial_lgi but there seems 
> to be a problem where not all of the brain is colored in (please see attached 
> pictures). 
> I'm wondering if someone can help me with this problem, it's happened on more 
> than one participant. When checking through the terminal, I found this at the 
> beginning of the processing: 
> INFO: FreeSurfer build stamps do not match
> Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-pub-v5.3.0
> Current Stamp: freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0
> I initially did recon-all -all using a linux on a virtual machine, however 
> there wasn't enough working memory to do all of my analyses using linux, so I 
> transferred all of my data to a mac and did the quality checks, extracted roi 
> data (aparcstats2table) and ran glm analyses (qdec) from there. Do you think 
> that the problem lies in the fact that recon-all was originally ran in Linux? 
> I'd rather not do the local gyrification in Linux as I do not have matlab on 
> that machine. 
> Thanks!
> Krista
> <Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 12.49.23 PM.png><Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 
> 12.49.18 PM.png>_______________________________________________
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