What is in lh.volume.average.fwhm10.mgh? It is named as if it is a file 
with surface data in it.

On 02/11/2014 11:04 AM, Wang, Guoying wrote:
> Dear freesurfer experts,
> I am trying to compute the differences in subcortical volumes between 
> two groups. I have read previous mail, 
> https://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg17597.html 
> , and in this mail, your answer was ‘you can do a subcortical volume 
> analysis by working with the aseg.stats file directly or compute with 
> mri_glmfit’. So, I tried to use ‘mri_glmfit’ to calculate it . but 
> without specifying the argument ‘—surf’ (because it is mentioned in 
> your webpage that ‘if –surf is not specified, then mri_glmfit will 
> assume that the data are volume-based and use the geometry as 
> specified in the header to make spatial calculations’). However, when 
> I ran the command, it gave me the error message which said :’ you must 
> use—surface subject hemi’ with surface data’. Do I misunderstanding 
> some point?
> On the other hand, if there is statistical differences in subcortical 
> volumes. How to display them in freesurfer? Sorry, I am a beginner. I 
> know someone asked this question before, but I am still not fully 
> understand it .
> Thank you for your help and reply in advance !
> Please find the command and error message attached
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> $Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2011/05/05 20:54:25 greve Exp $
> cwd /gdata1/freesurfer_data/subjects/gy_stat/time1_average_cross/aseg_test
> cmdline mri_glmfit --y lh.volume.average.fwhm10.mgh --fsgd y_fsgd.txt 
> doss --C lh-volume-age-gender-ICV-cor.mtx --glmdir 
> lh.seg_volume_sexageicv.glmdir
> sysname Linux
> FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
> UseMaskWithSmoothing 1
> OneSampleGroupMean 0
> y 
> /gdata1/freesurfer_data/subjects/gy_stat/time1_average_cross/aseg_test/lh.volume.average.fwhm10.mgh
> logyflag 0
> usedti 0
> FSGD y_fsgd.txt
> glmdir lh.seg_volume_sexageicv.glmdir
> IllCondOK 0
> ReScaleX 1
> DoFFx 0
> Loading y from/………/ lh.volume.average.fwhm10.mgh
> ERROR: you must use ‘—surface subject hemi’with surface data
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Guoying
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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