Hi again,

It is certainly a beginners question, and probably the code examples given
below are not right...

Is there anyone that could advice me how to do this?

Thanks so much!

2014-02-01 Markus Gschwind <markus.gschw...@gmail.com>:

> Dear all,
> I want to create a surface of a partially altered brain T1 (temporal lobe
> cut away by hand).
> I figured out that this would be done with mri_vol2surf.
> This command asks for a register.dat file.
> I think that I can get it using this command:
> bbregister --s /mri/brain_T1.mgz  --mov
> /Users/FREESURFER/mri/brain_T1_ins.mgz --reg /FREESURFER/mri/register.dat
> --t1 --init-spm
> I well starts calculation, but suddenly stops and complains that there is
> no brainmask /Users/FREESURFER/mri/brain_T1.mgz/mri/brainmask.mgz
> which makes somehow no sense as the brainmask is in
> /Users/FREESURFER/mri/brainmask.mgz of course.
> But I don't find a option to specify the brainmask in bbregister.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks for any help!
> Markus
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