Hi everyone,

I get this error when running surface area analysis in QDEC:

Vinas-iMac:~/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS] vinagoghari% mri_glmfit --y
/Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh --fsgd
/Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd dods
--glmdir /Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS/qdec/Untitled --surf
fsaverage lh --label
gdfReadHeader: reading
INFO: DeMeanFlag keyword not found, DeMeaning will NOT be done.
Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)
0 Age 40.6327 13.0176
1 IntraCranialVol 1.50352e+06 187456
Class Means of each Continuous Variable
1 GroupControl  38.8261 1480505.5707
2 GroupRelative  42.2308 1523881.3029
INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods
Reading source surface
Number of vertices 163842
Number of faces    327680
Total area         65416.648438
AvgVtxArea       0.399267
AvgVtxDist       0.721953
StdVtxDist       0.195470

$Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2011/05/05 20:54:25 greve Exp $
cwd /Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS
cmdline mri_glmfit --y
/Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh --fsgd
/Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd dods
--glmdir /Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS/qdec/Untitled --surf
fsaverage lh --label
sysname  Darwin
hostname Vinas-iMac.local
machine  x86_64
user     vinagoghari
FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
UseMaskWithSmoothing     1
OneSampleGroupMean 0
y    /Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh
logyflag 0
usedti  0
FSGD /Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd
maskinv 0
glmdir /Users/vinagoghari/Documents/Wanda/Wanda_SFS/qdec/Untitled
IllCondOK 0
ReScaleX 1
DoFFx 0
Creating output directory
Loading y from
INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods
Saving design matrix to
Normalized matrix condition is 400.101
Matrix condition is 1e+08
Found 148151 points in label.
Pruning voxels by thr: 0.000000
Found 148025 voxels in mask
Saving mask to
Reshaping mriglm->mask...
search space = 73649.347769
ERROR: dimension mismatch between y and X.
  y has 3528 inputs, X has 49 rows.

My QDEC table has 49 subjects,2 groups, and 4 variables.

Many thanks,

Wanda Truong, MSc
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