exactly, or measures derived them them like whole-brain volume
On Sun, 5 Jan 2014, Yuliya
Yoncheva wrote:
Hello Bruce,
thank you very much for your fast response and clarifying that potential
voxels outside the pial surface do not impact cortical measures.
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Hi Yuliya
they are included if they are inside of the ?h.pial surface. We
don't use the cortex aseg label as it is in general less
accurate than the surfaces.
On Sun, 5 Jan 2014, Yuliya Yoncheva wrote:
Dear FreeSurfer community,
I am visually inspecting the quality of my recon
-all output for a large
dataset and have a rookie question.
In some instances, when skull stripping ended up
leaving some of the skull,
these voxels are associated with a "sgmtn label"
(cerebral cortex). In other
instances, although there are a small number of
skull voxels that were not
removed automatically, these voxels do not have an
associated "sgmnt label"
available in TkMedit Tools.
Is it the case that only the voxels for which there
is a segmentation label
are actually added to the total grey volume
Thus, voxels, which have not been automatically
labelled would not impact
volume computations?
Thank you kindly for your help.
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