Hi Susan, if you are not doing a thickness study, then I don't think it 
will matter much if you have 1 or 2 or 3 T1s. There's not an easy way to 
compare the recons. You can do a paired difference using 1 T1 vs mult 
T1s. That will mostly give you bias information, not accuracy or 

On 07/30/2012 01:18 AM, Susan Alice McLaughlin wrote:
> Hi Freesurfer experts,
> We’ve been collecting structural (1mm isotropic) and functional 
> (2.75x2.75x3mm) data on a Philips 3T scanner using an 8-channel head coil. We 
> are reconstructing each subject’s surface and mapping functional data 
> processed in FSL’s FEAT to the surface. For some subjects, we have only 1 
> MPRAGE, but for others, we have multiple (2 or 3) MPRAGEs, acquired in 
> separate scanning sessions.
> Looking back at the list serve and FSLwiki 
> (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsQuizAnswers), it appears that our 
> SNR should be good enough that we do not need -- and perhaps SHOULD NOT use 
> --multiple MPRAGEs when using recon-all. Is there general agreement on this?
> How does one go about quantitatively comparing one surface reconstruction 
> derived from 1 MPRAGE to another derived from 2 MPRAGEs?
> Thank you,
> Susan McLaughlin
> Doctoral Candidate
> SPACE Lab (Stimulus-Parametric Imaging of Auditory Cortex)
> Dept. of Speech and Hearing Sciences
> University of Washington
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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