Hi Michelle,
hmmm, no idea. Do you want to upload the the subject and we'll see if we
can replicate the problem? Do you have enough memory on that machine?
On Mon, 19 Mar 2012, Michelle
Umali wrote:
Hi Freesurfers,
I've been using Freesurfer for a while, and have had no trouble with
launching tksurfer. But recently I have tried to view an inflated
hemisphere of a subject I have had no problem viewing before. The window
no longer opens. This the case for all of my subjects, with whom I have had
no previous problems.
Any suggestions would be most welcome.
Thanks very much.
Below is the terminal output. After this it just returns to the prompt
without any error message..
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects> tksurfer ld07 lh inflated
subject is ld07
hemi is lh
surface is inflated
surfer: current subjects dir: /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
surfer: /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
checking for nofix files in 'inflated'
Reading image info (/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/ld07)
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/ld07/mri/orig.mgz
surfer: Reading header info from
surfer: vertices=160638, faces=321272
surfer: double buffered window
surfer: tkoInitWindow(ld07)
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