Hi Phoebe - I don't have permission to access your files, but do you have 
FSLOUTPUTTYPE set to anything other than nifti by any chance?


On Thu, 14 Jul 2011, pho...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote:

> Hi Priti,
> Thank you for your help.  I get through the fslroi successfully by setting
> the nb0 variable.  The lowb.nii.gz looks fine.  However, when the process
> comes to bet, there's another error prompt for lowb.nii.gz.hdr.
> fslmaths
> /autofs/space/guasha_001/users/phoebe/strab_func_chan4/strab_func_chan_diffrecons/040826_cst/dmri/lowb.nii.gz
> -Tmean
> /autofs/space/guasha_001/users/phoebe/strab_func_chan4/strab_func_chan_diffrecons/040826_cst/dmri/lowb.nii.gz
> bet
> /autofs/space/guasha_001/users/phoebe/strab_func_chan4/strab_func_chan_diffrecons/040826_cst/dmri/lowb.nii.gz
> /autofs/space/guasha_001/users/phoebe/strab_func_chan4/strab_func_chan_diffrecons/040826_cst/dmri/lowb_brain.nii.gz
> -m -f 0.3
> Can't open
> /autofs/space/guasha_001/users/phoebe/strab_func_chan4/strab_func_chan_diffrecons/040826_cst/dmri/lowb.nii.gz.hdr
> Linux guasha 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 5 17:52:25 EST 2011 x86_64
> x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> Kindly help.
> Phoebe.
>> Hi Phoebe,
>> The fslroi part extracts all the low-b images from the 4D diffusion data
>> and creates an average low-b mask.
>> fslroi <input> <output> <tmin> <tsize>
>> <tsize> is the number of 3D low-b volumes to be extracted from the 4D
>> diffusion volume. For some reason tracula is unable to read the no. of
>> low-b images from your dicom header (Is this an MGH acquisition?). If you
>> know the number of low-b volumes you can specify that in the configuration
>> file using the following command:
>> set nb0 = *No. of low-b images*
>> Once you set that value it should not throw that error. From what you ran
>> in the commandline, I assume that in your dti acquisition 0 through 25 are
>> low-b volumes.
>> Creating the low-b image mask is the last step in the first stepwise
>> directive of tracula (-corr). You can go through the rest of the steps by
>> specifying any or all of the stepwise directives:
>> Ex: trac-all -intra -inter -masks -tensor -prior -c
>> ./scripts/dmrirc_single_subject
>> Please let us know if you have any questions or problems running the same.
>> Thanks,
>> Priti
>>> Hi,
>>> I do the pre-processing with the following command:
>>> trac-all -prep -c ./scripts/dmrirc_single_subject
>>> THe process exits with error when it comes to fslroi (attached pls find
>>> the log file).  I try to re-run the fslroi command as follow:
>>> fslroi
>>> /autofs/space/guasha_001/users/phoebe/strab_func_chan4/strab_func_chan_diffrecons/040826_cst/dmri/dwi.nii.
>>> gz
>>> /autofs/space/guasha_001/users/phoebe/strab_func_chan4/strab_func_chan_diffrecons/040826_cst/dmri/lowb.nii.gz
>>> 0 25
>>> It works and the lowb.nii.gz looks normal.  In case if I have the same
>>> problem with another dataset, how can I incorporate the number of frames
>>> (25) in the trac-all command for the fslroi?  Can I continue the
>>> remaining
>>> procedures of trac-all from this point?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Phoebe.
>>> --
>>> ___________________________________
>>> Phoebe Suk-tak Chan, Ph.D.
>>> Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
>>> Massachusetts General Hospital
>>> Bldg. 149, 13th St., mailcode 149-2301
>>> Charlestown, MA 02129
>>> pho...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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