Dear Freesurfer community,

I have a display problem that affects especially tkmedit and tksurfer.
We run freesurfer ( freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.0.0)
on a remote unix server and use Exceed (v. to port the
display to a local (windows) computer. At first we got a openGL error
stating that OpenGL was not supported when calling e.g. tksurfer. Now
we have installed Exceed 3D to support OpenGL it seems to continue
beyond the previous error message but comes up with a different one
(see snippet)

subject is js
hemi    is rh
surface is pial
surfer: current subjects dir: /home/cris/freesurfer/subjects
surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
surfer:     /home/cris
Reading image info (/home/cris/freesurfer/subjects/js)
Reading /home/cris/freesurfer/subjects/js/mri/orig.mgz
surfer: Reading header info from /home/cris/freesurfer/subjects/js/mri/orig.mgz
fsurfer: vertices=156376, faces=312748
surfer: single buffered window
surfer: tkoInitWindow(js)
Window type not found!
surfer: failed, trying double buffered window
Window type not found!
surfer: failed, no suitable display found
<end snippet>

Any ideas?

Note that other programs that do not use OpenGL seem to run fine (i.e.
fslview and gedit)

Kind regards,
Cris Lanting

Career Development Fellow
MRC Institute of Hearing Research
Science Road, University Park
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