there a line break script, which is somehow installed in my system (Sentos),
which cleans this up.  you basically type lb "FILENAME"
i can't try and find out what it contains, if you can't get it to work

On 22 September 2010 11:28, James Porter <> wrote:

>  Hello-
> I'm having a resurgence of an old problem (
> but the old solution is not cutting it. When I try to load a table in QDEC
> 1.4, I get the following error:
>     Loading data table qdec.table.dat...
>     ERROR: QdecDataTable::Load did not find a column named 'fsid', 'ID', or
> 'Subject' in the first column of qdec.table.dat!
>     Error loading the data table.
> However, the file definitely does have 'fsid' as the first column.
>     > head qdec.table.dat | awk '{print $1, $2, $3}'
>     fsid Sex AgeGrp
>     14080 Female Oldr
>     14081 Female Oldr
>     14286 Female Oldr
>     14287 Female Oldr
>     14390 Female Oldr
>     14391 Male Oldr
>     14392 Male Oldr
>     14428 Female Oldr
>     14430 Male Oldr
> Creating the file on Windows, Mac, and Unix platforms using a variety of
> programs (kate, oocalc, text wrangler, excel, word, notepad, etc) with
> 'fsid', 'ID', or 'Subject' as the column title doesn't help, nor does
> running dos2unix on the file(s). Having tab delimited or space delimited
> files doesn't make any difference, either. Trying to open the tables with
> QDEC in Unix (RedHat) or Mac (10.6.4) doesn't change the outcome.
> Any ideas on how to solve this riddle?
> Thanks,
> Jim
> --
> Jim Porter, M.A.
> Graduate Student
> Clinical Science and Psychopathology Research
> University of Minnesota
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