I am trying to use qdec but it gave me this error. I don’t understand what is 
wrong because it read the diagnosis factor level of COS & NV but then says 
subject 00308 has invalid level of COS in diagnosis column.

Any ideas?

CHP-MP2:freesurfer brianweisinger$ qdec &
[1] 7902
CHP-MP2:freesurfer brianweisinger$
Reading /Applications/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkUtils.tcl

Using /Applications/freesurfer/lib/tcl/fsgdfPlot.tcl

Loading data table /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/qdec/qdec.table.dat...
Number of columns:  4
fsid column:        1
Number of factors:  3
Number of subjects: 24
Reading discrete factor levels from config file 
'Female','Male', done
Reading discrete factor levels from config file 
'COS','NV', done

ERROR: Subject 00308 has an invalid level 'COS' in the diagnosis column
INFO: If 'diagnosis' is a discrete factor, then create a file
named 'diagnosis.levels' containing the valid factor names
one per line.
Error loading the data table.

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