Hi FreeSurfer,

I am trying to run Glm for a group comparison analysis

I ran the mris_prepoc and mri_surf2surf and it completed without
error. However, when I run mri_glmfit it gives me the following error:

gdfReadHeader: reading comp_groups.fsgd
INFO: ignoring tag Variable
ERROR: gdfReadV1: Input line 1, subjid = Cont_FreeSurf_BMAMDCONTROL20
       Found 1 variables, expected. 0
FSGDF Format Error: file = comp_groups.fsgd, tag=Input

The "comp_groups.fsgd" file was constructed in line with the FreeSurfer rules...

For instance,

GroupDescriptorFile 1                           
Title Lista_Controles_y_Pacientes                               
Class Home_Control
Class Home_SC
Class Dona_Control
Class Dona_SC                           
Variable                                               Age
Input   Cont_FreeSurf_BMAMDCONTROL20    Home_Control    27
Input   Cont_FreeSurf_BMAMGCONTROL27    Dona_Control    38
Input   Cont_FreeSurf_BMAMMCONTROL43    Home_SC         46
Input   Cont_FreeSurf_BMAMMCONTROL5     Dona_SC         28

Is there any problem with this format?

The data corresponding to each subject is locate inside the
$SUBJECTS_DIR directory (i.e.,


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