
my follow up question would be, how much has changed regarding fsaverage
between freesurfer version 4.1.0 and 4.3.1?  Is the added insula label the
only change that has been made? Besides, when I load both annotations, the
old and the new one, it seems to me almost every border of the parcellation
has been shifted slightly. Is it how it's meant to be? 
I ask because I forgot to update the fsaverage in my separately stored
Subjects_dir since version 4.1.0 and made a lot of analysis in the last
months. To my mind it's good enough to rerun mri_surfcluster with the new
fsaverage to get the updated annotations into my summary tables. Should that
do the trick?

Thanks again,


Iris, the registration targets were derived differently. With version 4, we
automatically fill in all the ventricles. In verion 3, they were partially
filled in manually. Version 3 creates a surface around the ventrical making
it look like a sulcus, and this affects both the target and the registration
to the target. So, on most of the surface, the registration will be very
close, but it will deviate signifiacntly around the ventricles/medial wall.
I think the fsfast in version 4 should work fine with the anatomicals
(including fsaverage) of version 3. 


Steinmann, Iris wrote:


we have several reconstructed brains, which were processed by freesurfer
3.0.5. We also kept using the fsaverage data from 3.0.5 in order to be
consistent. We wish to do fMRI analysis with freesurfer/fs-fast 4.0.5 and
found that 
talairach coordinates differ slightly
when using the fsaverage from version 3.0.5 and the current fsaverage from
4.0.5. Yet, the both volumes appear pretty similar, the newer one maybe a
little bit smoother. We would like to know what constitutes the exact
difference between these two 
fsaverage datasets and
whether it is possible to use the new version for analysis with the "old"
fsaverage data without getting inconsistent results. 

Thanks a lot, Iris
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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