On 12/7/23 20:46, Akhil P Oommen wrote:
On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 12:03:56AM +0300, Danila Tikhonov wrote:

sc7180/sm7125 (atoll) expects speedbins from atoll.dtsi:
And has a parameter: /delete-property/ qcom,gpu-speed-bin;
107 for 504Mhz max freq, pwrlevel 4
130 for 610Mhz max freq, pwrlevel 3
159 for 750Mhz max freq, pwrlevel 5
169 for 800Mhz max freq, pwrlevel 2
174 for 825Mhz max freq, pwrlevel 1 (Downstream says 172, but thats probably
A bit confused. where do you see 172 in downstream code? It is 174 in the 
code when I checked.
For rest of the speed bins, speed-bin value is calulated as
FMAX/4.8MHz + 2 round up to zero decimal places.

sm7150 (sdmmagpie) expects speedbins from sdmmagpie-gpu.dtsi:
128 for 610Mhz max freq, pwrlevel 3
146 for 700Mhz max freq, pwrlevel 2
167 for 800Mhz max freq, pwrlevel 4
172 for 504Mhz max freq, pwrlevel 1
For rest of the speed bins, speed-bin value is calulated as
FMAX/4.8 MHz round up to zero decimal places.

Creating a new entry does not make much sense.
I can suggest expanding the standard entry:

.speedbins = ADRENO_SPEEDBINS(
     { 0, 0 },
     /* sc7180/sm7125 */
     { 107, 3 },
     { 130, 4 },
     { 159, 5 },
     { 168, 1 }, has already
     { 174, 2 }, has already
     /* sm7150 */
     { 128, 1 },
     { 146, 2 },
     { 167, 3 },
     { 172, 4 }, ),

A difference I see between atoll and sdmmagpie is that the former
doesn't support 180Mhz. If you want to do the same, then you need to use
a new bit in the supported-hw bitfield instead of reusing an existing one.
Generally it is better to stick to exactly what downstream does.
OK I take my doubts back, let's go with adding a new one.


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